Thursday, July 28, 2016

Rosalie C.
Best Loser

Rosalie C.

Wise: No Ice Cream

Unwise: Not Drinking Enough Water

Our meeting tonight was  dedicated to Marcia D.  Marcia has been a devoted member of TOPS 785 NY  Clifton Park  for over twenty years. She has served in every capacity at one time or another. She has been leader, co-leader, secretary, treasurer and most recently weight recorder. With all her experience she is a mentor to the current officers.

We all wanted to say THANK YOU  to show how much we have appreciated her contributions over the years.

Marcia D.



Thursday, July 21, 2016

Best Loser: Marcia

Wise: Drinking Water

Unwise: Ice Cream

Our topic tonight comes from a Tops article by M Thoreson  "You are Halfway There" referring to the current year. Had you set a goal at the New year 2016, the time is now. Check your personal progress. Are you on track, holding your own or perhaps not where you want to be, if so, renew your efforts. There is still time to be less at the end of 2016.

The entire article can be viewed on the tops website.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Best Loser

Sandy P.

Wise: Avoided grocery store shopping

Unwise: Little exercise this week

Our meeting this evening covered the duties of each of the officers. This, as a prelude to chapter elections to be held at next weeks meeting.  In addition,  any member who was unable to attend tonight's meeting can refer to Tops Incorporated Rules in your chapter manual for a description of the duties of each office holder.

Travel gift was lost and Carol L. will attempt to claim its prize. Good Luck Carol!!!!

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Best Loser                                                                                         Happy Birthday

Marcia, Marcia, Marcia
Marcia D.
It certainly was Marcia's night. Best Loser and her birthday to boot. Congrats times two.
Wise: Drink Water   Unwise: Pizza 

We were treated to a visit from our area coordinator/captain Trina S.  She presented a TOPS program "Lean on Me for Support" This targets one of the advantages of being a TOPS member. Each member has had their own battle with weight loss and can be empathetic to others. The key is the support we receive from each other.  

A big thank you to Trina for a informative presentation. Both Trina and her husband Phil are KOPS and their visit was enjoyed by all attendees.

June 23, 2016

Carol S.
Best Loser

Carol S.

Wise: Exercise

Unwise: Eating Out

How much does advertising impact our  weight loss journey? 
This was our topic for tonight's meeting. First, Sandy repeated several famous advertising lines and we were to guess the product  Ex. "it's the real thing"  (Coca Cola) etc. Then on to discussing some of the gimmicks used to convince us that a particular product is healthy.  Ex. Honey Bunches of Oats . The labeling is deceptive since the oats is actually the third listed ingredient after wheat and rye. we also covered supermarket tactics to entice us to buy a certain product --featuring it on an endcap--a display right as you enter the store or perhaps a dump in the middle of the aisle.  We also discussed ways and means to avoid the highly processed foods. Shop from a list and when you have little time to shop so that you are in and out fast  Do not shop when hungry and shop the perimeter of the store for healthy choices.

Happy Birthday this week to Linda L. and Carol S.

June 16, 2016

Best Loser:

Sandy P.

Wise: walking

Unwise: Cheating

Judy J. gave the chapter a summery of her attendance at SRD 2015.  New York State lost a total of over 18 thousand pounds! SRD was held this year in Niagara Falls NY. and was attended by 108 chapters.. A total of 600 members from these chapters participated in the various events . SRD for 2016 will be held June 2nd and 3rd in Liverpool NY. and more information will be forthcoming. 

Best Loser of the Month for May: Gigi L.

Congrats to both of our losers.

And finally our new contest guidelines for TOPS. 
The name of the contest is "LOSE IT"

1. Must be a loser and must attend the meeting. A sticker will be given. 
2. Biggest loser will be given an extra sticker.

1. Lose or stay the same = sticker.
2. If a KOPS gains weight even if they are still in leeway = no sticker.

The contest will run until one member reaches 12 stickers.    

June 9, 2016

Best Loser

Linda L.

Wise: Exercise

Unwise: Ice Cream

and our topic for this evening.  We had a round table discussion of the various brand and forms of ice cream.  Dish or cones or chocolate covered on a stick. We discussed the importance of portion control when dealing with this cool and delicious treat.

Coming attractions:  New contest starting next week. Still in the formulation stage , but previews state stickers for weight loss. Contest to run for 12 WHAT??????????????????? days, weeks, pounds WHAT???? Be at next weeks meeting to find out.  

June 2, 2016

Best Loser

Sandy P.

Wise: Drink water

Unwise: Snacks

Our topic tonight addressed those "on the go meals" that we all, at one time or another, need to  access.. Whether it is a fast food meal or a "no time to cook meal", these meals have the power to sabotage our weight loss journey.  The solution to maintaining our weight loss lifestyle is, of course, to plan ahead.

This can be done in several ways. We can pack several healthy snacks.  These can be accessed at those times when we are running late.  Also, another weapon is to research which are the best choices at restaurants near us and only purchase those items off the menu.

A big THANK YOU to Mark and Amanda for returning several albums of TOPS 785 pictures over the years. .  For many of our long-time members, they are a trip down memory lane and for newcomers, they serve to remind us of the history of our chapter

May 26, 2016

Wow!!!   Last week two best losers and this week, well, not so good. 

Our topic this evening, a continuation of a TOPS program covering the upcoming salad season.

We discussed the merits of eating certain vegetables. Many vegetables should be eaten for their vitamin value, while others are consumed for their anti-cancer or anti-aging benefits. 

We also discussed several vegetables that are not as popular as others such as jacima and Jerusalem artichokes. Those members familiar with these and some others shared preparation and recipes.

Between our grilling topics and salad discussions, we are pretty well set for a healthy summer with good eats

May 19, 2016

Best Losers:
 Yes, Double losers this week!!!
Kathy T.
Linda L. and Kathy T.

Linda L.
And, they also agreed on their Wise and Unwise.

Wise: Drink Water
Unwise: Not Planning

Out topic this evening, a TOPS program a rainbow of salad. Sandy brought in a visual aid (her dinner) exhibiting a salad with vegetables from each color group green, red, yellow/orange, blue/purple and white . Each color represents certain food values and contribute to a healthier meal.  Warning: the good that comes from eating a varied salad can be undone with a high calorie or too much dressing.

Sandy did not share her salad.  It was a look but don't touch visual aid.   

May 12, 2016

Best Loser:

Carol D.

Wise: Encouragement from TOPS pals

Unwise: Not drinking water

Sandy continues our Tops program on "Great Grilling"

Consensus of opinion :  Fish is best cooked on the grill , outside, not only for its deliciousness but also because the fishy odor stays outside.

May 5, 2016.

Best Loser:

Ann T.

Wise: Exercising

Unwise: Portion Control

Sandy took a page out of the TOPS program book and prepared us for the upcoming grilling season.  She covered the various meat, poultry and fish.  Roasted vegetables also struck a chord with our members.

April 28, 2015

 Best Loser:

Linda L.
  Wise: Moving more
  Unwise: Junk Food

Michael continued his program 'Back to the Beginning'. Previously he had advised going back to journaling to isolate stumbling blocks. Now he suggests analyzing our journal entries to see where we can either add exercise to burn calories or eliminate or change foods to cut back on calories. He pointed out that a depreciation of only 125 calories per day could result in a 1/4 pound per week x 52 weeks = 13lbs at the end of the year.      

April 21, 2016

Best Loser

Rosalie C.

Wise: Drinking Water

Unwise: Tempting Sweets

This evening's meeting celebrated our 2015 Division winners. Congratulations to Shelley S.  First place winner in Division 3 and Ann T. First place winner in Division 4.

Shelley S

Ann T.

Good job to both of our winners (losers) and keep up the good work.

April 14, 2016

Best Loser:  Michael S.

Wise: Portion control

Unwise: Sitting around

Shelley S.,  Kathy T. and Pat J. attended the Kops luncheon and reported back on a good time. Food excellent and our favors were a hit. The Kops put out a request for possible luncheon sites for the future.  Many of the current sites are increasing their rates. The preference is sit-down lunch (not buffet) and any suggestions may be sent to Trina S. at Michael presented our program (Back to the Beginning) stating that when embarking on a weight loss journey we journal to determine where our "trouble" spots are and we should periodically go back and review our current life style. And thank you to Kathy T for her donation of the 50/50 money to the treasury. Kathy previously won the drawing at the TOPS luncheon. 

March 31, 2016

Best Loser :

Wise: Staying away from Easter  Candy

Unwise Snacking after dinner

Our topic this week, a TOPS Program citing non-scale victories. Those triumphant moments in your weight loss journey when the realization hits that "this is working". Fitting into a size smaller (yeah), More endurance and people asking if you've lost weight. (Someone noticed).

March 10, 2016 , March 17, 2016 and March 24, 2016


While several members lost this week, no one qualified for the best loser. So, the jackpot was carried over to next week. Our handy members were busy making favors for the upcoming KOPS luncheon.


Best Loser :

Carol L.

Wise: Eating more salads.

Unwise: Night time snacks.

Topic:   Our members this evening voted to change our weigh-in start time from 5:30pm to 6:00pm.


No meeting tonight due to upcoming Easter Celebration.

March 3, 2016

Best Loser
Linda L.

Wise:  More Salads.

Unwise: Not drinking enough

Topic: WATER Can ever enough be said about the importance of water when embarking on a weight loss journey???? NO!!! Drink Your water. Make it the first habit to change foryour new lifestyle. 

Thursday, February 25, 2016


Carol L.
Eating more fish:

Not drinking enough water.

  Tonight's topic:

Cardio vs. Strength training: You decide--a short comparison of burning calories for weight loss through cardio or through weight training. Your decision will be based on your personal goals. More information is available at the following link:

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Gigi L.
Best Loser

Gigi L

Wise: Drinking water

Unwise; Finishing the
leftover Valentine candy

Ever wonder how a certain item of clothing would look on you. Tonight we discussed how to dress for your body shape. Which one are you???

Illustration chart courtesy of:

Suggestions for selecting clothing to draw attention away from problem areas

Pick your poison and go shopping


Thursday, February 11, 2016

Linda L.
Best Loser

Linda L.

Wise : Eating more fruit

Unwise: Skipping meals

Topic for the meeting: Guide: Finding your ideal weight

This topic covers BMI - Body Mass Index ( a figure reached based on height and weight) and the need for each member to evaluate their own personal lifestyle for body type, activity level, overall health and emotional well-being. BMI should not be the determining factor in setting a weight goal. Using this additional criteria the member can determine where they feel most comfortable.


Thursday February 4, 2016

Best Loser

Marcia D.

Wise: Drink water

Unwise: Nighttime snacking

Lose weight while you sleep!!!!

(If Only)

Actually, there are apparently wise (low-cal) snacks that will facilitate calorie-burning while you are asleep. Several include string cheese, non-fat yogurt, white meat turkey sandwich or whole grain cereal. For more information on why these and a number of other foods can help us on our weight loss journey refer to this link:

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Best Loser

Carol D.

Wise: Drink lots of water

Unwise: No food tasting this week  

Tonight's program was from an article entitled "Emotional Road Blocks Keeping You Fat" and can be accessed at the following link:

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Best Loser:

Marcia D.

Wise: Drink you water

Unwise: Snacking

Program tonight:
Do something today which you will thank yourself for tomorrow. An example of this is to perhaps plan for a vacation for a future date and start a saving fund now to make that vacation a reality. As applied to weight loss, we can adjust some items in our diet to reduce our calorie intake for a long term result. An example would be to consume a lower calorie breakfast such as oatmeal from the higher calorie bacon and eggs. Small changes can result greater weight loss over a period of time.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Best Loser:

Carol D.

Wise: Focusing on her goals -Walking and keeping a food diary

Unwise: Food tasting

Tonight we practiced some meditation exercises to create a calmer environment. Sometimes the chaos of the day or week can lead to binge eating or higher calorie snack consumption. A quiet atmosphere can allow us to make more rational decisions regarding our eating.  

Thursday, January 07, 2016

   Best Loser

   Sandy P.

   Wise: Portion Control

    Unwise: Cookies

    Tonight Sandy brought in her vision board.  She made this as an exercise to  keep in touch with herself.  This is an exercise where a member might cut out articles, pictures, and/or sayings that he/she feels relates to him/her.  Not all the entrants on the board are food related. Some are, since Sandy is a dedicated TOPS member. There were several funny sayings reflecting her sense of humor and some serious sayings which she felt applied to her.  She suggested that this might be a good tool for all.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Best Loser

Rosalie C.

Wise: Posting reminder notes to kitchen cabinets.

Unwise: Not exercising

Topic for this evening brought to a close a TOPS multi-part program on stress. A fitting topic for the busy holiday season


Thursday, December 10, 2015

Merry Christmas to all and Happy New Year

TOPS 785 gathering to enjoy the Christmas festivities and to ring in the 2016.

To Ann, Carol S., Judy J. and Marcia, we missed you and wish you all the best in 2016.   

Thursday, December 03, 2015

Best Loser

Gigi L.

Wise: Eating lots of salads

Unwise: Not exercising. 

Our topic tonight continued with the stress theme.  We practiced meditation exercises to help alleviate the chaos that stress can cause especially at this time of year .