June 2, 2016

Best Loser

Sandy P.

Wise: Drink water

Unwise: Snacks

Our topic tonight addressed those "on the go meals" that we all, at one time or another, need to  access.. Whether it is a fast food meal or a "no time to cook meal", these meals have the power to sabotage our weight loss journey.  The solution to maintaining our weight loss lifestyle is, of course, to plan ahead.

This can be done in several ways. We can pack several healthy snacks.  These can be accessed at those times when we are running late.  Also, another weapon is to research which are the best choices at restaurants near us and only purchase those items off the menu.

A big THANK YOU to Mark and Amanda for returning several albums of TOPS 785 pictures over the years. .  For many of our long-time members, they are a trip down memory lane and for newcomers, they serve to remind us of the history of our chapter

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