Thursday, May 7, 2015

Best Loser:    Carol

Wise: Eat Your Vegetables             Unwise: Ice Cream   (Did she know tonight's topic?)

Eat Your Vegetables

Our program tonight answers the question "How do vegetables help weight loss?

And the answer is not so simple!!!!

It seems vegetables have a low energy density which means they provide a larger portion size with fewer calories. Many vegetables are
high in fiber which helps you feel full  longer. We also covered the best and
worst vegetables -Best: Spinach, Cab bage, Swiss Chard and the Worst: Carrots, Potatoes, Corn. The list is based on the Glycemic Index and the high Glycemic index veggies break down quickly during digestion and release sugar rapidly into our systems. The low glycemic veggies break down slowly and release glucose gradually into our systems.

For a more comprehensive list of glycemic  go to : worst-vegetables  

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