Thursday May 28, 2015 2014 Awards

Best Loser: Linda L

Wise: Eating planned meals   Unwise: Ice Cream

Linda L


Carol D and Michael S.
Best Loser Division 5 with our Chapter advisor
 Our 2014 Award Ceremony was held celebrating the division losers through December 2014. Carol D was biggest loser for Division 5  and cited the support of the members of Tops as her inspiration to lose and keep off the weight.  Janet K was best loser in Division 4. Her advice was to stay on plan.  She indicated the problem with any diet plan is that after a while they become boring and so the backslide begins. She indicted she has used several different plans and tries to maintain her weight from week to week. Facing the TOPS scale is her support system.

Janet K and Michael S
Best Loser Division 4 and our Chapter advisor

And to wrap up our evening, we horned in on the award ceremony to salute Marcia D. Marcia has had a "rough road to hoe" this past year and her friends wanted to make her aware that we are all thinking of her and wishing her the best. She was awarded a bucket of joy containing several mementoes of love and caring.  
Marcia D.

We also welcome back Gail S. So happy to see you again

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Congrats to all award winners!