SRD June 5-6 2015

W-e'-r-e B-a-c-k

 SRD Lake Placid Attendees
Missing from group Judy J.

And our winners are:
Pat J. our new graduate KOPS
Carol D. runner-up for most pounds lost in 2014 in NY state.  
Congratulations to you both on your achievement

On day one, we were treated to several inspiring speakers.

Psychologist Michael Hanley PhD, emphasized exercise in his talk on "Attaining and Maintaining Optimal Weight" In addition to the right attitude and good nutrition, he maintained that exercise does not have to be in a gym but can be adapted to one's environment, neighborhood walks, bicycling hiking etc.

Our Regional Director Judy Pettit, treated us to a slide show featuring many of Walt Disney's characters.  Her talk was based on biographical information on Mr. Disney. His father discouraged him from his artistic endeavors, encouraging him to get a 'real job'. Moral: just like Mr. Disney, himself and the characters in his movies, if we set our minds to it success can be ours.

Our third speaker of the day, Chiropractor Dr. Bill Orlando spoke of "The Five Things We Must Do To Lose Weight".  He also gave us a short history of Chiropractic Medicine stating that excess weight can be a factor in joint pain and that chiropractic medicine may help in alleviating that pain.

During the break between afternoon and evening sessions Tops 785 attendees and special guests Pat J.'s husband Bob and Regional Director Judy Pettit enjoyed a wine and veggie platter (we are a diet support group after all.)
 A good time was had by all
What happens in Lake Placid , stays in Lake Placid

On day two, our division winner Carol D. was honored during the morning session and in the afternoon we watched the procession of KOPS graduates, including our own Pat J.  The new KOPS were recognized and congratulated, . The lights were dimmed and each KOPS lighted a candle all around the room to signify the Circle of Hope, and the hope of each member of TOPS to attain KOPS status. 

There were other activities during the two days of SRD including the KOPS Tea, a Karaoke Night, farewell to outgoing royalty, introduction of the new royalty for 2014, and the announcement of the site for the SRD in 2015  (Niagara Falls)  

Another successful SRD 

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