Thursday, Jun 25, 2015

Best Loser : Linda L. (Birthday Girl) 
Wise: Eating more vegetables.

Unwise: Ice Cream

And Tonight: 10 Diet Lessons to Unlearn.. Yes Unlearn. Seems there are some myths out there which many believe to be factual when, in fact, they are not. Ex. Hot & spicy speeds up fat burn. Not true!!!! Fat Free=Calorie Free, Not true!!!  Cabbage soup is a diet miracle. Not true!!!  These are some of the myths surrounding dieting and paying attention to any one or all of them can sabotage your weight loss.  Utilizing any of the TOPS tools or other tools available on the internet can validate whether or not a statement presented as fact is true. Many of these facts have been disproved due to later studies and testing. Rather than accepting any diet statement, investigate to the validity of the statement.

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