Thursday, September 3, 2015

Carol S.
Best Loser

Wise: Keeping a Food Log      

Unwise: Not exercising

Winner of the August No-Gain contest

Shelley S.


Best loser of the Month- August

Ann T.

September Chapter Tally

3.75 lbs. lost

Continuing with Barb Cady's Webinar , Shelley advised we should all keep a post-it note in a danger zone.  This note is titled Food Law and can be any area on which we wish to concentrate our efforts for this week.  Example: a food law posted to the freezer door which states no ice cream or perhaps on the snack cupboard which states no chips.  It does not have to be  a negative law- drink water or eat fresh vegetables.  Barb also stated we can recruit family members by showing that the program works.

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