Fall Rally Saturday, September 26, 2015

Miss Minnie Mouse welcomed all comers to our table at Fall Rally.

She was voted the most beautiful or would that be the "fairest in the land"?  Thank you Gigi.

Our chapter was honored several times during the course of the rally.

We were recognized for our 30th anniversary as a chartered chapter.

We also scored points for a perfect resume.  Thanks to our weight recorders Marcia D. and Kathy T. 

Janet K. was honored as best summer loser with a loss of 6.75 pounds and Carol D was also recognized for her 2nd place division win at SRD. 

The guest speaker was Elaine Simione of Vision Quest, who is a licensed psychoanalyst, and who conducted a relaxation exercise.  She proposed that in order to achieve our goals, we need to be in touch with our inner selves.  Her relaxation technique is another tool to be used on the journey we all have embarked upon. To be a healthier person with a happier outlook.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Fantastic picture.........Thanks Janet