Fall Rally Saturday, September 26, 2015

Miss Minnie Mouse welcomed all comers to our table at Fall Rally.

She was voted the most beautiful or would that be the "fairest in the land"?  Thank you Gigi.

Our chapter was honored several times during the course of the rally.

We were recognized for our 30th anniversary as a chartered chapter.

We also scored points for a perfect resume.  Thanks to our weight recorders Marcia D. and Kathy T. 

Janet K. was honored as best summer loser with a loss of 6.75 pounds and Carol D was also recognized for her 2nd place division win at SRD. 

The guest speaker was Elaine Simione of Vision Quest, who is a licensed psychoanalyst, and who conducted a relaxation exercise.  She proposed that in order to achieve our goals, we need to be in touch with our inner selves.  Her relaxation technique is another tool to be used on the journey we all have embarked upon. To be a healthier person with a happier outlook.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Carol S.
Best Loser

Wise: Sticking to my plan

Unwise:  Not walking

Fall Rally Basket

Pictured below is the Kitchen Helpers basket assembled with contributions from members of TOPS NY 785. Many thanks to Carol S and Nancy M for a job well done. 
Front                                         Back

Our topic this evening  was a short discussion of the obstacles in getting older.  The importance of a balanced healthy diet as a deterrent to many of the medical and physical maladies that can affect the elderly.

Thursday September 17, 2015

Best Loser: Sandy P.
Wise: Eating less sweets
Unwise: Not walking   
This week we semi finalized our representation at Fall Rally. Arrangements were made to assemble and wrap our "Kitchen Helper" basket to be raffled. We all agreed to wear Hawaiian shirts and Sandy had leis for all.  We were also advised that our chapter would be honored for the 30th anniversary of our charter. Interestingly, our current member Judy J. has been with this chapter for over 26 years. Happy Anniversary to us!
We continued our meeting with a discussion of food labels and their interpretation.  Their serving size and our serving size could be at odds. Paying attention to the labels can facilitate an easier weight loss journey.   

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Best Loser

Linda L.
   Wise: Eating Fish

  Unwise: Not exercising

  Sandy relished in her new purchase of "The Choice is Mine", a TOPS manual. She treated us to an article on snacking strategies.   Several suggestions to keep snacking under control: always plan snacks to avoid mindless snacking, never allow oneself to get hungry among others. Per the article, some suggestions for planned snacks, peanut butter and celery, frozen grapes, veggies and dip to name a few. Selecting snacks per one's own tastes also insure staying on the path to a successful weight loss journey.   

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Carol S.
Best Loser

Wise: Keeping a Food Log      

Unwise: Not exercising

Winner of the August No-Gain contest

Shelley S.


Best loser of the Month- August

Ann T.

September Chapter Tally

3.75 lbs. lost

Continuing with Barb Cady's Webinar , Shelley advised we should all keep a post-it note in a danger zone.  This note is titled Food Law and can be any area on which we wish to concentrate our efforts for this week.  Example: a food law posted to the freezer door which states no ice cream or perhaps on the snack cupboard which states no chips.  It does not have to be  a negative law- drink water or eat fresh vegetables.  Barb also stated we can recruit family members by showing that the program works.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Best Loser

Sandy P

Wise: No candy bars

Unwise: Eating unbalanced meals

August Chapter Tally:

1.75 lbs. gain this week

Loss for month 4.25lbs

Yeah!!! TOPS 785.

Sandy and Shelley reported back on Barb Cady's Webinar for Leaders and Co-leaders. Question posed was 'Why are you coming to TOPS'?  Leaders should determine why members come each week and be able to offer some incentives to aid in the weight loss journey. Sharing one's own experience, advising to get a goal slip with a reasonable goal or reaching out mid week to fellow members may be just the incentive needed to help a struggling member in their weight loss journey.

Thursday< August 20, 2015

Best Loser

Janet K.


Wise: Drink Water

Unwise: Unplanned meals 

August Chapter Tally: 

Bad Week for 785 +9lbs

New tally: -5.75 lbs.

We can do better:

Topic this evening as summer comes to a close and with the advent of day trips.  Simple ways to stay on your diet while traveling.  Obviously, drinking water, walking, and checking nutritional info especially in restaurants are key to maintaining a weight loss, but also, just being realistic, thinking before eating and making conscious choices will keep you on your weight loss journey. The idea is to enjoy yourself , not indulge yourself.
