Thursday, Jun 25, 2015

Best Loser : Linda L. (Birthday Girl) 
Wise: Eating more vegetables.

Unwise: Ice Cream

And Tonight: 10 Diet Lessons to Unlearn.. Yes Unlearn. Seems there are some myths out there which many believe to be factual when, in fact, they are not. Ex. Hot & spicy speeds up fat burn. Not true!!!! Fat Free=Calorie Free, Not true!!!  Cabbage soup is a diet miracle. Not true!!!  These are some of the myths surrounding dieting and paying attention to any one or all of them can sabotage your weight loss.  Utilizing any of the TOPS tools or other tools available on the internet can validate whether or not a statement presented as fact is true. Many of these facts have been disproved due to later studies and testing. Rather than accepting any diet statement, investigate to the validity of the statement.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Best Loser : Gail S
Wise: Journaling

Unwise: Eating Out 

FOCUS: Tonight's topic resulted in a lively round table discussion of the aspects of weight loss which we can focus on to help on our journey.  Getting the proper rest, journaling, food preparation and planning, drinking plenty of water, moving more, all contribute to success.   We also started our new contest and each member brought in a tried and true excuse for "falling off the weight loss train" We covered that old oak tree with many leaves.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Best Loser


Wise: Drink your water 
Unwise: Candy

Our first meeting back after SRD. We reported back on the Lake Placid activities and updated the new dates and site for SRD in 2016.( see sidebar).
Something to consider: a bus trip is being investigated to accommodate the chapters  

Our program this evening came straight from the TOPS wellness newsletter, Tips to have a slimmer July 4th BBQ.

Some suggestions Eat a light snack before you go, choose the leaner portions and focus on the people not the food.

We would like to extend a warm welcome to Ann T.  Glad your here!!!


SRD June 5-6 2015

W-e'-r-e B-a-c-k

 SRD Lake Placid Attendees
Missing from group Judy J.

And our winners are:
Pat J. our new graduate KOPS
Carol D. runner-up for most pounds lost in 2014 in NY state.  
Congratulations to you both on your achievement

On day one, we were treated to several inspiring speakers.

Psychologist Michael Hanley PhD, emphasized exercise in his talk on "Attaining and Maintaining Optimal Weight" In addition to the right attitude and good nutrition, he maintained that exercise does not have to be in a gym but can be adapted to one's environment, neighborhood walks, bicycling hiking etc.

Our Regional Director Judy Pettit, treated us to a slide show featuring many of Walt Disney's characters.  Her talk was based on biographical information on Mr. Disney. His father discouraged him from his artistic endeavors, encouraging him to get a 'real job'. Moral: just like Mr. Disney, himself and the characters in his movies, if we set our minds to it success can be ours.

Our third speaker of the day, Chiropractor Dr. Bill Orlando spoke of "The Five Things We Must Do To Lose Weight".  He also gave us a short history of Chiropractic Medicine stating that excess weight can be a factor in joint pain and that chiropractic medicine may help in alleviating that pain.

During the break between afternoon and evening sessions Tops 785 attendees and special guests Pat J.'s husband Bob and Regional Director Judy Pettit enjoyed a wine and veggie platter (we are a diet support group after all.)
 A good time was had by all
What happens in Lake Placid , stays in Lake Placid

On day two, our division winner Carol D. was honored during the morning session and in the afternoon we watched the procession of KOPS graduates, including our own Pat J.  The new KOPS were recognized and congratulated, . The lights were dimmed and each KOPS lighted a candle all around the room to signify the Circle of Hope, and the hope of each member of TOPS to attain KOPS status. 

There were other activities during the two days of SRD including the KOPS Tea, a Karaoke Night, farewell to outgoing royalty, introduction of the new royalty for 2014, and the announcement of the site for the SRD in 2015  (Niagara Falls)  

Another successful SRD 

Thursday, June 04, 2015

Meeting cancelled due opening of SRD in Lake Placid.

A majority of our members will travel to Lake Placid to watch Pat J. and Carol D. receive the recognition they have earned for their successful weight loss.
Congratulations are extended to  Pat on her graduation to KOPS status and to Carol D. as runner-up for Division 5 for most pounds lost in 2014. 

Way to go, guys!!!!  You make us proud  

Thursday May 28, 2015 2014 Awards

Best Loser: Linda L

Wise: Eating planned meals   Unwise: Ice Cream

Linda L


Carol D and Michael S.
Best Loser Division 5 with our Chapter advisor
 Our 2014 Award Ceremony was held celebrating the division losers through December 2014. Carol D was biggest loser for Division 5  and cited the support of the members of Tops as her inspiration to lose and keep off the weight.  Janet K was best loser in Division 4. Her advice was to stay on plan.  She indicated the problem with any diet plan is that after a while they become boring and so the backslide begins. She indicted she has used several different plans and tries to maintain her weight from week to week. Facing the TOPS scale is her support system.

Janet K and Michael S
Best Loser Division 4 and our Chapter advisor

And to wrap up our evening, we horned in on the award ceremony to salute Marcia D. Marcia has had a "rough road to hoe" this past year and her friends wanted to make her aware that we are all thinking of her and wishing her the best. She was awarded a bucket of joy containing several mementoes of love and caring.  
Marcia D.

We also welcome back Gail S. So happy to see you again

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Best Loser: Sandy

Wise: Drink Water             Unwise: Not walking

TOPS NY  785 will be on the road to SRD (State Recognition Days) to be held in Lake Placid, NY on Jun 5th and 6th. Most of our members are slated to go and we used this meeting to go over the program and finalize our plans to meet up as we are all staying in different accommodations. After all, we all need to know where the wine and cheese will be served. (Carol D and Sandy's room)  Once we got that settled we discussed the 2014 award ceremony slated for next week.  

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Best Loser: Sandy

Wise: Drink water    Unwise: Candy

Two weeks ago, Shelley presented a TOPS program "The Bottom Line" touted as a quick and easy quiz.  Well, tops 785 is here to disagree. We continued  this program with questions 11 through 24 and we found this quiz to be neither quick nor easy. The quiz , however, did result in a lively discussion about the latest that  researchers are finding out about nutrition in relation to diet and disease. We will all have to "hit the books" to bring ourselves up-to-date. Knowledge is power, as the saying goes. Hopefully , this new knowledge will help us all in our weight loss journey.

Special Edition May 10 2015

They are at it again!!!
Update on our world travelers

The Disney Tinkerbell 1/2 marathon was held in California for the last leg of the Disney Princess Marathon.

Out intrepid runners/walkers were at it again. 

Shelley placed 10,209 out of 11,418 entrants, running/walking this race in 3 hrs 24mins 13secs .

Michael  ran/walked his 1/2 marathon in 2 hrs 28mins 16secs placing 2997.

As a result of today's race, our exhausted racers will have to pay overweight charges on their return flight. They will have accumulated 5 (count 'em) 5 medals.  One for each of the three races and a fourth for finishing the 2 legs back to back in February in Florida and a fifth for finishing the third leg in the California location. 

Way to go!!!!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Best Loser:    Carol

Wise: Eat Your Vegetables             Unwise: Ice Cream   (Did she know tonight's topic?)

Eat Your Vegetables

Our program tonight answers the question "How do vegetables help weight loss?

And the answer is not so simple!!!!

It seems vegetables have a low energy density which means they provide a larger portion size with fewer calories. Many vegetables are
high in fiber which helps you feel full  longer. We also covered the best and
worst vegetables -Best: Spinach, Cab bage, Swiss Chard and the Worst: Carrots, Potatoes, Corn. The list is based on the Glycemic Index and the high Glycemic index veggies break down quickly during digestion and release sugar rapidly into our systems. The low glycemic veggies break down slowly and release glucose gradually into our systems.

For a more comprehensive list of glycemic  go to : worst-vegetables