Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays to all!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Way to go!

Best Loser: MICHAEL!!!
Wise: Exercise
Unwise: Sodium

November Best Loser: Carol S.!!!

We have a new KOPS!!!!!
Congratulations Pat J!!!

Program:Area Captain Lucy Corlew visited and presented the program.
Masterpiece or Paint by Number
Healthy eating does not mean eating that which you don't like or restricting your food choices.  Allow yourself to eat what you like in moderation.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Ok.  Stop.  Regroup.

Best Loser: CAROL S.!!!
Wise: Portion Control
Unwise: Dessert

No meeting or weigh-in due to Thanksgiving.

TOPS Club Events Coming Up:
IRD - July 18-20 Calgary, BC
Tops Cruise Retreat
Celebrity Cruises
Aug 25-Sept 1
Leaving Bayonne, NJ

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Weigh-in Only
No Meeting

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Best Loser: PAULETTE!!!
Wise: Exercise
Unwise: Cookies

Best Loser October:

No meeting November 8.
Weigh-in only 5:30p-6:30p

Pledge to Lose Winners:
Kathy, Janet and Carol L.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Well...we can and WILL do better!

Best Loser: CAROL!!!
Wise: Veggies
Unwise: Cheating on Thursday

Best Loser for September: PAULETTE!!!

Guided Imagery Meditation
From Belleruth Naparstek
This CD is now available in our TOPS Library

Thursday, October 18, 2012

We are movin' in the right direction!

Best Loser: SHELLEY!!!
Wise: Sugar Free Desserts
Unwise: Pizza

Welcome Visitor:
Ramona from Arizona

Travel Gift Update:
Linda got to open hers.
Paulette gets it!

TOPS 785 Fundraisers:
Just a reminder as the holidays approach...
Hoffmans (we get 50% of the proceeds)
Boscov's (we get 10%)

Inspiration Workshop:
Saturday Oct. 21
Ft. Edward Rescue Squad
75 Schuyler St. (map)
$4.50 at the door.

SRD 2013:
May 31-June 2
Honor's Haven (www.honorshaven.com)

Million Pound Pledge:
TOPS in involved in a million pound pledge.
They as that everyone attempt to have a loss for this past year.

The Exchange System
TOPS is currently reorganizing the program.
Follow the link below to some helpful info.
Here's a food diary to help you get started.

Fall Rally 2012

Fall Rally was held at the Algonquin restaurant in Bolton Landing.  This year's theme was The Wizard of Oz!

Each chapter was asked to name a member who motivates them the most (your chapter's Glenda, the Good Witch)
Our leader, Shelley was our "Glenda"

We all enjoyed this year's rally!

Thursday, September 30, 2012

The chapter had a BIG LOSS!!!

Best Loser: JANET!!!
Wise: Being Watchful
Unwise: Not Exercising

Travel Gift Update:
Judy opened the big box!

Fall Rally Preview:
Gigi shows off the name tags she made for us for Fall Rally.

Fall Leaves:
Shelley will "wear" our weight loss!

Thinspirational Speaker

Scott "Q" Marcus, Thinspirational Speaker

WHEN: Monday, September 17, 2012
WHERE: Holiday Inn, 308 No. Comrie Avenue, Johnstown, NY

Scott "Q" Marcus, a nationally known motivational speaker from California, will be on the east coast doing other presentations and he has offered to spend a few days with us, sharing good advice via a seminar and evening Inspiration Workshop! It is a win-win situation! Your field staff became acquainted with Scott at TOPS IRD in California. He does a super job!

Scott is known as the "THINsperational" speaker because he lost 70 pounds once he realized that the solution was to stop trying to be perfect, and instead, just get better. His topics, books, presentations, and recordings bring his recovering perfectionist philosophy to everything from conflict management to weight loss to motivation. His style is fun, energetic and leaves us with so much to think about and work with.

Here's a link to a special video introduction just for us:

We are offering several options. We realize some have jobs and can't get the day off.  If you can join us for all the sessions great, if you can't, you may sign up for whatever session or sessions work for you.

VIP Session ONLY (starts at 1:00pm, includes lunch with interactive discussion and Scott's free copy of his Weight Loss Tips Book, etc.) $24.95Session 1 (3:30-5:00) ONLY - $9.95 Session 2 (6:30-7:45) ONLY - $9.95
BOTH Sessions 1 and 2 - $17.95
OR SAVE BIG! Attend all of the above for a total price of $39.95 which includes Scott's free copy of his Weight Loss Tips Booklet, 151 Things to do BEFORE You Give Up on Your Diet plus a Free Weight Loss CD and a one-hour video download to keep you going. This also includes the VIP lunch.

Register Now! Space is limited to 200 and it will be first come-first served basis. TOPS members and their guests have until September 5 to pre-register. Space will be opened to the general public on September 5 and it is going to be on a first come, first served basis for this excellent opportunity. Chapters may consider sending a delegate or two and help to defray costs in order to get the information to share with chapter members. Don't forget, you may bring family, friends or anyone interested in the topic or in joining TOPS.
For questions, contact Area Coordinator Jeanne Crandall.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

For no other reason than ourselves,
we WILL do better.

Best Loser: LINDA!!!
Wise: Water
Unwise: Cheese

Travel Gift Update:
Judy got it!

The 7 Decisions (by Andy Andrews)
Here's Andy's website: www.andyandrews.com

Lessons from Geese
Check out these different presentations of:
Lessons from Geese

Thursday, August 23, 2012

We are back on the right train!

Best Loser: JANET!!!
Wise: Water
Unwise: Tortilla Chips

Fall Rally Info:
September 29 at the Algonquin in Lake George
Here's a link to their site:
Registration begins at 9am
It's our job to vote on the chapter member who motivates us the most.  The winner will be revealed at Fall Rally.

September 17 in Johnstown
More info to come.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

We CAN do better!

Best Loser (Of the week and July!):
Wise: Walking
Unwise: Donuts

We welcome our guests:

Jen and Kathy

Travel gift:
Amanda lost it, Mark got it.

The 7 Saboteurs

  • Poor me, a little is ok
  • Eating cues, are they external or emotional
  • Other people (Oh go ahead and eat it)
  • Inner rebel
  • Entitlement, I deserve it
  • Just a bite...
  • I'll start first thing in the morning

Thursday, August 2, 2012

We have had better weeks.

Best Loser: MICHAEL!!!
Wise: Exercise
Unwise: Salty Snacks

Travel Gift:
Amanda got it.

Time Management

  • Constant rushing
  • Frequently late
  • Frustration
  • Procrastination
  • No established priorities or boundaries
Attitude and Commitment
   What's important?

Dolores Schlensker "Dee" Lundstrom

In Memorium

This past week, TOPS 785 lost one of it's longtime members, Dolores Schlensker "Dee" Lundstrom.  Dee was a very active member of our chapter.   She achieved KOPS status and served as an Assistant Weight Recorder for many years.  Her bright smile and quick wit will be missed by all who were lucky enough to have known this remarkable woman.

The visitation calling hours are Sunday, July 22 from 3pm to 5pm at the Glenville Funeral Home, 9 Glenridge Road, Glenville, NY.
There will be a service at the funeral home at 9am on Monday, then a 10am service at the First Reformed Church of Scotia, 224 Ballston Avenue, Scotia.

Dee's Obituary from the Schenectady Gazette:

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Whoops.  Let's do better.

Best Loser: WILMA!!!
Wise: Water
Unwise: Ice Cream

24 Hour Recall Sheet
Everyone logged what they ate in the last 24 hours and then examined how much meat they were eating.  Most people should be getting 70-105 grams of protein per day.
The average American eats 195 pounds of animal protein (fish included) per year.  Most coming from red meat. Instead try...

  • Poultry
  • Lean Beef
  • Fish
  • Legumes
  • Tofu (Soy products)
Here's some alternatives.

July 12, 2012

The scales are heading the right way!

Best Loser: LORRAINE!!!
Wise: Water and Walking
Unwise: Starches

June Best Loser:

Welcome to America!
Congratulations Carol on becoming an American citizen!!!

Travel Gift Update:
Michael opened his and Paulette got one.

Fruits and Veggies Contest:
And the winner is...

Exercise Block:
Marcia took it and is going to put it in the pool.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

We celebrated the 4th a little too heartily!

Best Loser: SHELLEY and JANET!!!
Wises: Fruit and Exercise
Unwises: Steak and Tortilla Chips

Welcome Visitors and Welcome back (for the summer) Ann!

Exercise Block:
Linda has it!

TOPS 785 Library:
Got any exercise, motivating or healthy cooking books?  Donate them to the new TOPS 785 Lending Library

Faring Well at Summer Fairs

  • Have a healthy snack first
  • Drink a lot of water
  • Walk around the fair a lot
  • Some fairs note healthy choices on menus
  • Limit high calorie condiments
  • Portion control
  • Watch out for calories in drinks

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Best Loser: LINDA!!!

What are the Keys to Your Success?
   Plan ahead and prepare for that success.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

A correction.  That's all it is.

Best Loser: MICHAEL!!!
Wise: Drink Water
Unwise: Salty Snacks

May Best Loser:

Travel Gift Update:
Linda lost it, Michael got it.

We have a "Resistance to Change"
When there is a change, we either make a decision to change or it is forced upon us.  Ask ourselves...
  • What needs to be changed?
  • Is the "why" important?
  • How do we make the change?
Next week - Keys to Successful Weight Loss!

SRD 2012

Here's the program for this year's SRD.
Due to the new policy that does not allow any photography during the sessions, photo content is very limited.

Here we are at SRD!!!

SRD Stats:
First Chapter to Register: #NY1046 Canton
Chapters Attending: 131
Number of Attendees: 760
KOPS Graduates: 34
Total lbs. Lost By Graduates: 1,665
Number of KOPS Alumni Attending: 163
Number of Chapter Royalty Attending: 20
Total lbs. Lost By New York State...
28,110 lbs.!!!

New York State Royalty:
King Runner Up:
   David H., Endicott: 31.75 lbs.
Queen Runner Up:
   Rose S., Burlington Flatts: 121.5 lbs.
SRD King:
   Donald M., Corinth: 34.75
SRD Queen:
   Courtney H., Rochester: 158.75

2013 SRD:
Honor's Haven Resort http://www.honorshaven.com/
Ellenville, NY http://goo.gl/maps/481I
May 31-June 2 (Friday-Sunday)
Registration Deadline: Feb 1, 2013
(This will be an all inclusive event...that means meals included.)
The theme will be:
The Four Seasons!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

A little loss still goes a long way!

Best Loser: MICHAEL!!!
Wise: Portion Control
Unwise: Couch Potato(ing)

No meeting June 7 (SRD optional session)

Travel Gift Update:
Linda lost it but asked for it back again.

Area Captain Contest:
Lucy Corlew's contest that has complex structure that our officers will keep track of.

Baseball Contest:
Starting June 14, Michael will run a baseball based contest.
The chapter will be decided into two teams.
Every week you come in, any 1/4 lb = single up to 1+pounds = home run.
The team with the most runs wins.
The batting order rotates every week.

Fruit and Veggie Contest
$1 gets you in.
Eat a fruit or veggie that starts with (almost) every letter of the alphabet.
Of the members that complete the list, a random winner will be drawn.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Another great loss!

Best Loser: MARK!!!
Wise: Water
Unwise: Fast Food

Letter from Lucy Corlew:
Lucy asked that each chapter share their success stories for her new area newsletter.

Travel Gift Update:
Shelley got to open hers!
Linda got it!

The Train of Change has made it to the end of the line in Celebration, FL!!!
Famous quote by Edmund Burke:

"Those who don't know history,are bound to repeat it."

We must ask ourselves,"why?" What drives you?
   It must be strong enough to keep you going
   You must be doing it for you

Celebration, FL is not just the end but the beginning of the journey.