Thursday, May 31, 2012

A little loss still goes a long way!

Best Loser: MICHAEL!!!
Wise: Portion Control
Unwise: Couch Potato(ing)

No meeting June 7 (SRD optional session)

Travel Gift Update:
Linda lost it but asked for it back again.

Area Captain Contest:
Lucy Corlew's contest that has complex structure that our officers will keep track of.

Baseball Contest:
Starting June 14, Michael will run a baseball based contest.
The chapter will be decided into two teams.
Every week you come in, any 1/4 lb = single up to 1+pounds = home run.
The team with the most runs wins.
The batting order rotates every week.

Fruit and Veggie Contest
$1 gets you in.
Eat a fruit or veggie that starts with (almost) every letter of the alphabet.
Of the members that complete the list, a random winner will be drawn.

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