Thursday, February 5, 2009

It seems we are back on track in the new year! This week the chapter had a great loss of 14.75 pounds!

Sister Mary led the way as our "Best Loser" and told us to exercise and watch out for those nasty carbs.

The annual Rededication will be held next week (Feb. 12th)

Our special guest speaker was Michelle Brennon from Lifeline Screening, a preventative stroke screening service.

She gave us some useful facts such as:
  • 80% of all strokes can be prevented
  • Stroke is the 3rd leading cause of death

She also gave us a useful tool to help us recognize the symptoms of a stroke F A S T
  • Face (can the person smile?)
  • Arm lift (will both arms lift equally high?)
  • Speech (impairment)
  • Time (the quicker response, the better)

Lifeline Screening will be at the Christ Community Church in Clifton Park on March 27
1-888-653-6412 for more info.

Thanks Michelle for your great program and helpful insight.

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