Thursday, February 26, 2009

Let's keep it goin' the way it's goin'!

New member Gwen led the chapter's loss with a staggering 7.25 pounds! She advised to journal and avoid overeating.

We celebrated some Best Losers of the Month:
November: Bonnie
December: Ann C.
January: Bonnie (again!)

Ann C. got her award for her first 10 pounds.

Barb motivated us to...
Soda (regular and diet) can do gallons of bad things to us:
  • Puts on pounds
  • Increases risk for diabetes
  • Bad for the environment (not recycling)
  • After drinking, you're still thirsty
  • It contains no nutrients
  • It's bad for your teeth and bones
  • Raises your risk of cancer


Anonymous said...

Way to go Gwen!

gwen said...

Thank you!