Retreat Cruise 2009

Judy shares about her retreat cruise experience...

The TOPS retreat cruise, which originated in San Diego CA on Feb. 13, was a 10-day cruise to the Mexican Riviera with ports-of-call in Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan, Topolobampo, Loreto, La Paz, and Cabo San Lucas. This was the 4th TOPS cruise, and, so far, one has been planned every two years.

On the cruise, each retreat director presented a two-hour program during the first four sessions, while we were at sea heading for Mexico:
Barb Cady..........."Eat Right"
Cynthia Mack......"The New Year is NOW"
Deanna Bies........"Emotional Eating" (which she called "the Beast") Deanna is a brand-new retreat director.
Terri Ord............."Attitude"

The fifth and final session, while at sea heading back to San Diego, was a tribute to KOPS and ended with a Circle of Light.

This fall there will be a 4-day retreat on Oct. 18-22 (Sun-Thurs) in Moravia NY (about 30 miles southwest of Syracuse) with director Terri Ord, who is top-notch. I have attended two of her retreats and highly recommend her. If anyone wants time to concentrate on him-/herself and needs some inspiration and new direction, this is the ideal place to be.

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