September 2016

Best Loser: 9/01/2016

Carol L.

Wise: Eating more vegetables.

Unwise: Extra servings.

Meeting: Reviewing the by-laws  

Best Loser: 9/08/2016

Carol S.

Wise: Portion Control

Unwise: Mindless eating

Meeting: Final vote of bylaws

Best Loser: 9/15/2016 

Linda L.

Wise: Eating more veggies

Unwise: Not exercising and less pasta

Meeting: Tops program -3 Rs-
Reading, Riting and Rithmatic as applied to TOPS members

 Best Loser: 9/22/2016

Carol L.

Wise: More Veggies

Unwise: Not drinking enough water

785 had a NO GAIN WEEK this week -congrats to all

Meeting: Discussion of segment of Today show regarding a disconnect between the brain an stomach.

Best Loser: 9/29/2016

Kathy T.

Wise: Drinking water

Unwise: Should be drinking more water

Best Loser for September:  

Gigi L.


Chapter net loss for September:

a WHOPPING 15 Pounds

Way to go 785


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