January 2017

January 2017


Best Loser:

Sandy P.

Wise: Drinking water

Unwise: Leftover holiday goodies.

Happy Birthday Janet wherever you are!!!! 

Best Loser:

Linda L.

Wise: Stick to the plan

Unwise: Not enough exercise

Best Loser:

Rosalie C.

Wise: Go to bed instead of nighttime snacking

Unwise: Not drinking enough water

December 2016

November 2016

Best Loser 11/03/2016

Linda L.

Wise: Sticking to the plan

Unwise: Not exercising.

Our program tonight ENTHUSIUM presented by Shelley S. ( a TOPS program)

Best Loser 11/10/2016

Linda L.

Wise: Sticking to the plan

Unwise: Not exercising

Our meeting tonight covers tips for maintaining our weight loss program through the coming Thanksgiving Holiday.

 Best Loser: 11/17/2016

Sandy P.

Wise: Focusing on increased fiber

Unwise: Eating "wrong" foods.

Our meeting Changes by Shelley (Photo Stories)

Happy Thanksgiving to all our members  

October 2016

Best Loser: 10/06/2016

Carol S

Wise: Exercise

Unwise: Chocolate Chip Cookies

Meeting: Discussion on Barb Cady's blog "You Can Change"

Best Loser: 10/13/2016

Gigi L.

Wise: Exercise

Unwise: Not enough water

Meeting: Attendees to fall rally brought back a review of the proceedings to share with the chapter.

Best Loser: 10/20/2016

Linda L.

Wise: Sticking to the plan

Unwise: not enough exercise

Meeting: Review of calories and fats  in Halloween Candy. 

No Meeting: 10/27/ 2016

Freezing icy rain.

September 2016

Best Loser: 9/01/2016

Carol L.

Wise: Eating more vegetables.

Unwise: Extra servings.

Meeting: Reviewing the by-laws  

Best Loser: 9/08/2016

Carol S.

Wise: Portion Control

Unwise: Mindless eating

Meeting: Final vote of bylaws

Best Loser: 9/15/2016 

Linda L.

Wise: Eating more veggies

Unwise: Not exercising and less pasta

Meeting: Tops program -3 Rs-
Reading, Riting and Rithmatic as applied to TOPS members

 Best Loser: 9/22/2016

Carol L.

Wise: More Veggies

Unwise: Not drinking enough water

785 had a NO GAIN WEEK this week -congrats to all

Meeting: Discussion of segment of Today show regarding a disconnect between the brain an stomach.

Best Loser: 9/29/2016

Kathy T.

Wise: Drinking water

Unwise: Should be drinking more water

Best Loser for September:  

Gigi L.


Chapter net loss for September:

a WHOPPING 15 Pounds

Way to go 785


August 2016

Best Loser: 8/04/2016

Michael S.

Wise: Walking
Unwise: Late night snacks
Our meeting this evening was devoted to the installation of our board of officers for 2016.
Leader: Sandy P. Co-leader: Shelley S. Treasurer: Janet K  and Secretary: Carol S. and Weight Recorder Linda L. and Assistant Weight Recorder Kathy T.

Best Loser : 8/18/2016 

 Sandy P.
 She certainly looks happy.


  Meeting last week was cancelled due to extremely high temperatures. It was just TOO DARN HOT!!!! 

Best Loser 8/25/2016

Kathy T.

Wise: Staying on program

Unwise: Not exercising and not drinking enough water.

Our meeting included a review of the by-laws.

August Best Loser:   Linda L.  

and finally: 

Chapter Net Loss for  August is 5 pounds

Way to go 785