Thursday, January 22, 2010

Excellent job everyone. The chapter had a solid loss.

Best Loser: MARCIA
Wise: Water
Unwise: Pizza

Bonnie and Joanna got Travel Gifts

Mark presented the following program about visualizing your goal weight.

Whether the goal is to lose 10 pounds or 100 pounds, it's important to have a mental image of your body at your goal weight. Stay motivated to eat healthy and exercise by keeping your eye on your goal. Seeing is believing. Visualizing yourself thin is a powerful way to keep weight loss at the top of your priority list. Believe in your ability to succeed at losing weight and create an image of how you will look.

Next week each person will bring in a picture. It could be an older picture of you when you were thinner, it could be a picture of an athlete or a celebrity, but it should be a picture of someone whose body image you would like to emulate. A picture that will inspire you and give you an idea of what you are working towards. And, next week we will have an open mike in which everyone will share.

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