Happy New Year

TOPS Pals,

It's that time of year when we all make resolutions. Many of us make them about our weight-loss goals and TOPS is here to help you with our annual PLEDGE TO LOSE. BEFORE you step on the scale for the first time in January you must tell the Weight Department the amount you desire to LOSE in January. Your loss/gain at the first weigh-in does NOT enter into the contest. PLEASE think about this and give a "REALISTIC" amount of pounds to PLEDGE TO LOSE.

Good luck meeting your goal!

1 comment:

Ann Chatterton said...

Hello Tops and Kops Friends

It makes me feel connected to you to get to read the notes as often as I get to it and I am prouod of my TOPS785 group!

I have found a good group to work with here, happy and friendly. This week we were paired up for weight loss, not sure how many weeks but of course to find ways to encourage each other.

My KOPS goal has been steady for weighs below goal, despite the continued stress and search for pain relief. I am having better outcomes with a new pain clinic and more aggressive treatment for the back problems and fibro. I am proud to be maintaining my weight!!

So, as a KOPS, my partner is asking how I met my goasl and guess what, espec to Janet!!!
I said write it down. This week we pledged to each other to do that and it is giving me interesting info, I need more fiber.

My partner has been in TOPS for 35 years and never reached goal. She is eager.

So keep up the good work, know that I support you from the wintery south. Ann Chatterton