Thursday, August 13, 2009

We are still moving the scale in a downward trajectory!

Our 'Best Loser' of the week was Bonnie. She recommended that we keep our salt intake low and avoid ice cream.

July's 'Best Loser' was Mary! Way to go!!

Traci and Paulette were both given awards for losing their first 10 pounds. Congratulations!!

Let's all give a big TOPS welcome back to Rosemary!

After 3 weeks of losses, Lorraine got to open her travel gift.
Marcia and Joanna drew new ones. Good luck!

Amanda won this round of the dice draw and that means more money was put into the SRD fund.

Chinese Auction will be next week, Carol, Cindy, Lorraine and Linda K are supplying prizes.

We had a report on the quarterly KOPS luncheon that was held in Amsterdam. The volunteer coordinator from the regional food bank was the guest speaker.

Joanna's program asked us "what equals success?"

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