Thursday, January 22, 2009

Welcome back TOPS Pals!

After a couple of weather delays, TOPS 785 is back in action! While we had a small gain this week, we can attribute it small size to Best Loser Bonnie's astounding holiday weight loss! She told us to not beat ourselves up if we do have a bad day and to not overeat snacks. In fact, Bonnie did so good that she shows off her loose clothes!

Amanda shows us her sense of humor about her birthday!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Debbie Allen will be our new Area Coordinator!

There is now a new Dice Game. You can draw a dice from the box for a quarter. (You get an extra draw if you loose that week.) If you get the solid black dice, you win!

When we attended SRD, chapters were challenged to "Walk to Orlando" (the sight of IRD 2009). Through our exercise, we have walked 1951.7 MILES!!! SO FAR!!! Keep up the good work.

Here's a message from our Weight Room regarding your
"Pledge to Lose"

Hello TOPS Pals,
Just a
reminder about chapter's Pledge to Lose
. We have change from-to dates for this voluntary
pledge. This will now run from January 29th weigh-in [starting weight] through and to MARCH
26, 2009 weigh-in [ending weight]. Be repaired to submit your pledge to the
Weight Room Staff on January 29th. PLEASE be realistic for YOU, and don't make YOUR
challenge too-o-o easy. Success Be OURS. We WILL Do Fine in 2009 !!


Chinese Auction will be February 12, 2009
Barb, Cindy, Denise and Carol will provide the gifts!

This week's program was about staying fit over the upcoming difficult couple of special days. Those Super Bowl parties and Valentines Day boxes of candy can be hazardous.
  • Have lighter meals
  • Balance food intake over several days
  • Increase your physical activity
  • Be consistent with your exercise routine
  • Select only favorite food from party buffets
  • Eat "light" alternatives
  • Portion control is key

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