March 22, 2018

Best Loser: Amanda
4.5 pounds
Wise: Meal planning
Unwise: Couch potatoism

The chapter had a 12 pound loss!

Travel Gift Update:
Linda N. starts her travel gift challenge

How much do we eat at Easter?

Those snacks and meals add up fast.  It’s easy to eat 5000 calories
What can you do?

  • Make a plan to stop eating by 7pm
  • Ask for a “sliver”
  • Beware of beverages
  • Relax (stress and anxiety can make you eat)
  • Keep exercising
  • Keep the portions small
  • Make better choices
  • BYOD - bring your own dish

Linda reminds us to drink our water

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Another fantastic post............Way to go Amanda.........what a loss