Thursday, August 6, 2015

Gail S.
Best Loser:

Wise: Drinking water

Unwise: Eating between the hours of 10PM to 5AM

New Feature: 

Keeping a running tally of chapter gain/loss.

August:  9 1/4 pounds lost

WE CAN!!!!

Our chapter installation was held. Re-installed officers were Leader: Sandy P. Co-Leader: Shelley S. Secretary: Linda L. Treasurer: Janet K. and Assistant Weight Recorder: Kathy
T. Not present for the ceremony (and sorely missed),  Weight Recorder: Marcia D. The theme for our ceremony was Hand in Hand and Moderator Carol D. started us off with a bit of nostalgia "
I remember the day I stepped across the threshold into my very first TOPS meeting. I have finally faced the fact that I needed a helping hand! I needed some extra support, lots of understanding and caring as I attempted to change old eating and exercise habits.
 In a nutshell, stating our chapter's mission. She ended our ceremony with a poem:              

You take my hand and I'll take yours,
And we’ll start out today,
For a helping hand is what we need
To help  us on our way.
The way to goal is a lonely road
We need someone to care.
Reach out, my friend, and take my hand,
And then we’re almost there.



1 comment:

Marcia said...

EV1 is looking good.
