Thursday, August 13, 2015


Best Loser        Shelley S.

Wise: Eating salads

 Unwise: Salty Snacks

And our chapter tally for August

Down 14.75 pounds

Way to go 785!!!!!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Gail S.
Best Loser:

Wise: Drinking water

Unwise: Eating between the hours of 10PM to 5AM

New Feature: 

Keeping a running tally of chapter gain/loss.

August:  9 1/4 pounds lost

WE CAN!!!!

Our chapter installation was held. Re-installed officers were Leader: Sandy P. Co-Leader: Shelley S. Secretary: Linda L. Treasurer: Janet K. and Assistant Weight Recorder: Kathy
T. Not present for the ceremony (and sorely missed),  Weight Recorder: Marcia D. The theme for our ceremony was Hand in Hand and Moderator Carol D. started us off with a bit of nostalgia "
I remember the day I stepped across the threshold into my very first TOPS meeting. I have finally faced the fact that I needed a helping hand! I needed some extra support, lots of understanding and caring as I attempted to change old eating and exercise habits.
 In a nutshell, stating our chapter's mission. She ended our ceremony with a poem:              

You take my hand and I'll take yours,
And we’ll start out today,
For a helping hand is what we need
To help  us on our way.
The way to goal is a lonely road
We need someone to care.
Reach out, my friend, and take my hand,
And then we’re almost there.



Thursday, Jul 29, 2015

Best Loser

Who is our best loser this week??????

Due to circumstances beyond our control, (an inept camera operator) the best loser this week will remain a mystery. Watch this site for an update, we can tell you that drinking water was our losers wise choice and his/hers unwise ice-cream.

We have a challenge thrown out by Sandy.  Select one habit such as drinking water or journaling or meal planning that you would like to change for the better, and concentrate on that change for a three week period. Apparently, if a conscious effort is made for a period of time then your new "good" habit becomes second nature. After the three weeks ,select another habit and soon many of the "bad" habits that contributed to our weight and/or medical issues will effect a change to aid us in our weight loss journey.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Best Loser                                          

Carol S
Wise: Walking

Unwise: Pizza

Tonight's Topic:

Six Suggestions for Vacation Eating

Even though we are half-way through the summer, it seemed an appropriate time to reiterate the several ways to curb our eating habits during a vacation.  The prospect of eating out for several meals while away from home can present problems for our TOPS members.  Meal planning, tips for restaurant ordering and healthy snacks topped the list of healthy habits for the intrepid vacationer. A variety of types of accommodations were discussed from staying with relatives or friends to hotel/motel lodging to camping. Many suggestions were offered to allow our members to effectively continue their weight loss journey while "on the road".