Special edition

 Mission Accomplished

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 As  many of you know, Shelley and Michael have been in training for several months to prepare for the Disney Princess Half Marathon held this past weekend in Orlando FL
The half marathon is a 2 day event whereby the entrants run/walk a 10K race-(6.2mi). Once that is completed our entrants come back on day 2 to run/walk a half-marathon (13.1mi)  These are timed races and if the runner/walker does not complete sections of the race in a certain amount of time they are removed from the course. 

Well, that didn't happen!!!
  Our stalwart runners finished both races

Shelley ran/walked her 10k in 1hr-37mins-19secs and placed 8143 out of 10,989 finishers.

Michael completed his 10k race in 1hr-30mins-50secs and placed 6811 out of 10,989 finishers.

And on day two-Shelley finished her 1/2 marathon in #16,748 spot out of 18,459 finishers with a time of 3hrs-34mins-01sec.
Michael on day 2 finished his 1/2 marathon in #9770 spot out of 18,459 finishers with a time of 2hrs-58mins-18secs.
Way to go team Schafer

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Best Loser
Linda walked off with the best loser honors this week. Her
Wise: Better Choices and planning
Unwise: Pasta
Our topic this week was emotional eating and the ways in which it can sabotage our weight-loss efforts.
Triggers can be health problems, financial issues and work stress to name a few.  
Solutions, such as stress management (yoga, meditation etc.), eliminating temptation (remove comfort foods), healthy snacking and recognizing your personal triggers, can help to get you back on track.

Thursday, February, 12, 2015

Best Loser 
Best loser this week: Shelley
Wise: Drink water Unwise: Late night snacks
Best of luck to Shelley and Michael 
They have been in training for the Disney Half Marathon on February 21st and 22nd.
They are entered in the 10K race to be run on February 21st and then they will run in the half marathon (13.1) miles the next day on February 22nd.
Go team Schafer
Shelley, substituting for Sandy this week, presented a TOPS program on nutrition knowledge.  
Really, Shelley, a pop quiz!!! And we didn't even study!!!  

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Best Loser
Michael walked (ran) off with the best loser title for this week.
(Must be all that training for the Disney Marathon)
Sandy's program covered the worst things that well-intentioned (???) people say to someone trying to lose weight.   While some remarks are well-meaning, most are negative and can, if we let them, undermine a weight loss journey.
A big hello to our absent members, we miss you at our round (rectangular) table.   

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Meeting cancelled due to timing of incoming winter storm. We elected to stay home and stay warm.

Thursday, January 22,2015


Best Loser

Rosalie walked off with top honors this week as best loser
Sandy's program this week continued with  the last 2 factors impeding weight loss. Last week we covered self sabotage, portion control, deprivation and the medicine cabinet. 
This week the consistency factor was discussed and last but not least, exercise. 
Basically, there are many factors impeding weight loss and we need to recognize them and work to overcome them, and never, never allow them to discourage us on our weight loss journey. 


Congratulations to Carol L
40 pounds lighter since joining TOPS
Way to go, Carol
 Keep up the good work