Thursday December 18, 2014

Best Losers
We had double losers, no, winners!!!! 
Both Linda L. and Carol D. registering a loss for the week. 
Congratulations to both!!!!
And our tree is decorated and ready for Christmas 
Since mid November when we started with a bare tree, we have a star, decorations, snowflakes and presents added based on our participation in chapter meetings. 
For our last meeting of 2014, Sandy introduced "reverse resolutions".  We are supposed to think about where we would like to be like a year from now.For more information on reverse resolutions follow the link below to:

Thursday December 11, 2014

Thursday December 11. 2014
Merrymakers at TOPS 785 Christmas Party
Our members enjoyed American and Greek food at Grecian Gardens restaurant.  Most of us, but not all, practiced portion control. Personally, I ate everything on my plate.
Really Sandy, Two pizzas?????

Santa came early and we all enjoyed our secret santa gifts.
To those members who were unable to attend, we missed you. 

We hope all our members enjoy a happy and prosperous 2015.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

Thursday December 04 2014

Best Loser
Topic of the Week
Affirmations are short powerful statements about a goal which we would like to achieve.  For  TOPS members the ultimate goal is weight loss and attaining KOPS status. 
Affirmations are like a software program designed to re program our minds from negative thoughts to positive ones. 
All TOPS members attending last evening's meeting submitted affirmations to be displayed in their personal arenas as a tool to focus on positive thought.
Two randomly selected affirmations are:
I am assuming responsibility for fueling my body.
I love the feeling of making progress. I feel so good when I eat healthy.
Christmas Party
Weigh-in at 5:30pm Schuyler Ridge
Dinner follows at Grecian Gardens at 6:30pm
Please contact any officer or weight recorder if you are not planning to weigh-in.
This will allow our weight recorders time to join us at Grecian as soon as the last member is weighed
Remember you need to weigh-in once in December in order to be eligible for 2015 awards  

Thursday, November 20 2014

Best Loser

Sandy's program this week addressed the upcoming holiday dinner.
First, a visual with a dinner plate and containers denoting (1/2 cup)
The chart below shows calorie count for a typical Thanksgiving dinner.  This should help us make better choices and still enjoy the holiday. 

Thursday November 13, 2014

Best Loser

Our leader Sandra asked for tips from each member to help on their weight loss journey.
Here's a few highlights
Eat less, move more
There are no free days
Eat fish
Plan your meals 
Sandy also presented the following program