Thursday, May 7, 2009

Well. Unfortunately, we had a gain this week. Albeit a small one, we really need to get back on track.

Clearly, our 'Best Loser', Wilma (two weeks in a row!) can show us the way. She recommends drinking our water and staying away from ice cream. This worked so well for her last week, why not try it again!

We had two guests this week, Paulette and Linda M. We hope to see their faces back again.

Everyone please give a hearty "Welcome Back" to Jessie!

Our fundraiser for next years' SRD in Saratoga Springs has begun. Let's get out and sell those car washes! Here's a link to pics from last years' SRD in the Catskills!

There will not be a meeting or weigh-in on May 21st!

This week's program about Carbs was presented by Joanna.

So the question was asked "How much is 15 grams of sugar?" Well, there are 4 grams per teaspoon. Is this alot or a little? Well there are some discrepancies about how many carbs one should have every day. Why? It all depends on your diet. If you eat 2000 calories you should have about 200 carbs. If you eat 1500 calories, about 150 carbs. Remember, your brain needs carbs to function so cutting out carbs entirely in not at all healthy!

Here's a couple of helpful web sites:

Thanks Joanna for a helpful program!

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