Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Chapter had a FANTASTIC loss of 28.75 pounds!

Our Best Loser was Linda L. She said roughage...cough cough...was important and to stay away from sampling the Halloween candy.

We want to wish a hearty 'Welcome Back' to Denise returning to us after 8 years.

We'll see all of you who are going at Fall Rally on Saturday beginning at 10am (doors open at 9). Remember your ant hats!

Just a reminder, Halloween is next week. Remember to bring 25 of a non-food item such as:
Pens, pencils, eraser, etc...
Postage stamp
Blank greeting cards
Small tissue pack
Post-it notes
Etc, etc, etc...Please be creative in finding a non-food substitute

These fine folks have volunteered to bring items for the next Chinese Auction (Nov. 13)
Ann, Carol, Denise and Lorraine

Anna briefly talked to us about her surgery. She had the 'band' procedure.

Joanna Tells us about bread's history and nutritional content

With a little help from returning member Denise

Check out these labels (click the pic to enlarge)

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