Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Chapter had a FANTASTIC LOSS of 25 1/4 Pounds!!!

The Best Loser was BONNIE and she said that a healthy diet and no overeating were key.

We welcome TWO new members! Sandy and Theresa M. Please extend to them a TOPS Welcome.

Lorraine earned her Travel Gift and we picked two new ones...Ann and Sandy

A Reminder that KOPS Recognition is next week. Check out our inspirational KOPS here.

Joanna led our program which included a lesson about nutrition choices. The lesson here...MODERATION! She also taught us that having goal is important. These goals may consist of a target BMI (Body Mass Index) and/or a goal weight (which is required by TOPS to achieve KOPS status) How do I get these? Your doctor can help you with both.

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