Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ann (one of our newest members) was the Best Loser. She said journaling helped her a great deal this week.

Joanna lead an open mike and folks spoke about their continuing journey.
Members will be bringing in recipes or products that they found to be helpful.

KOPS recognition will be Thursday, October 9th. See our KOPS here.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Down them scales do go!

We had TWO Best Losers this week, Marcia and Carol. They said to journal and avoid the always tempting pizza.

Please take time to welcome our new member, Ann!

Wanda Roses went to Carol and Kim.

After years of dedicated and GREAT service, Carol needs a break from running the contests. Anyone interested in taking over?

Dawn won the Marble Contest and took home a big prize!

Dawn gave us a very useful fact:

3500 calories = 1 pound (That means, if you eat an extra 500 calories a day, in a week you will gain a pound.) AND that means if you take away 500 calories a day, you'll lose a pound!

So, what do we do?

  • Portion control
  • Exercise
  • Cut back on carbs
  • Write it down (if you bite it, write it!)
  • Find out what works for you
  • Be aware of what you are consuming
  • Find a happy medium

Thursday, September 11, 2008

AH HA!!! Now we got the scales going the right way.

Mary was the Best Loser and she said to Exercise (clean house) and watch the portions. She had no negative behavior! (Ha! Right.)

Mark was July's Best Loser and Lorraine P. was August's Best Loser

Marcia and Lorraine P. got Wanda(s)

Lorraine also got a Travel Gift. It was her night.

Joanna gave us some helpful tips on how to avoid the dreaded "Emotional Eating"
  1. Learn to recognize true hunger
  2. Know your triggers
  3. Look somewhere else for comfort
  4. Don't keep unhealty food around
  5. Snack healthy
  6. Eat balanced diet
  7. Exercise regularly and get enough sleep

Check out the TOPS Links (on the right side) for more helpful info!

Thursday, September 4th

The scales were a bit unkind for our September 4th weigh-in, but Marcia did well. With a 3 pound loss, she was honored as the week's Best Loser. Marcia advised that we should eat light at night and avoid soda.

Wanda Roses went to Wilma and Linda.

Barbara received a travel gift.

A motion was carried to move funds to cover the Fall Rally expenses.

Joanna led a discussion regarding emotional eating. Emotional eating occurs when we use eating as a way to suppress or soothe negative emotions, such as stress, anger, anxiety, boredom, sadness and loneliness. You can break this connection between mood and food!