Thursday, December 18th

Next meeting will be January 8th.
Our Rededication Ceremony!

While some of us struggled with the temptations of holiday baking and holiday parties, Judy conquered these challenges and registered a loss on the scale. She was honored as our best loser. She recommended that we eat holiday sweets in moderation and drink lots of water.

Just a reminder that the following holiday treats can add up...

1 glass cider or sparkling grape juice = 120 calories
1 cup eggnog = 343
1 mixed drink = 250
1 hot buttered rum = 218
1 Irish coffee= 218
1 glass wine = 120
1 bottle beer = 271
1 cup coffee with cream and sugar= 50

1 celery stalk with cream cheese = 45
1/2 cup mixed raw vegetables = 25
5 large olives = 92
1/2 cup mixed nuts = 440
1/2 cup fresh fruit = 60
1 oz tortilla or potato chips = 150
1 tablespoon dip for chips = 53
10 Wheat Thins = 90
5 Ritz crackers = 88
1/2 cup of Chex mix = 140
1 cracker with cheese = 70
2 tablespoons of cheese ball = 90
a mini-quiche = 60
1 half of deviled egg = 73
2 oz boiled shrimp with cocktail sauce = 80
2 oz Swedish meatballs = 100

Sweets & Desserts
1 tangerine = 40
2 chocolate mints = 60
1 candy cane = 60
1 small piece fudge = 70
1 piece divinity = 70
1 chocolate-covered cherry = 75
1 chocolate from box = 50
1 iced gingerbread cookie = 100
2 small chocolate chip cookies = 150
1 shortbread cookie = 100
1 snickerdoodle cookie = 90
1 slice fruitcake = 324
1 slice cheesecake = 372
1 piece apple pie (1/8 of 9-inch pie) = 410
1 piece pecan pie (1/8 of 9-inch pie) = 480
1 piece of pumpkin pie (1/8 of 9-inch pie) = 180
1/2 cup whipped cream = 75
1/2 cup ice cream = 145
1 slice mincemeat pie = 360


MEETING CANCELLED for 12/11/08 due to Inclement Weather Predictions.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Happy Holidays!

This week was our annual Holiday Party!

We had a pretty healthy dinner thanks to our party chairpersons
Barbara, Cindy and Theresa!

Marcia challenged us all to be VERY good this week and see if we can come back next Thursday with a 'no gain' week for the Chapter. Are we UP to the challenge to make the scales go DOWN?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Weight loss is a great way to start the holiday season. And that's just what the chapter did!

Our "Best Loser" was Kim. She told us to team up with a TOPS pal to help you lose and don't make your goals too big to attain.

Thursday, December 4th will be our annual Christmas/Holiday Party. A light meal will be provided so just bring yourself!

Joanna gave us some hard to swallow numbers (gulp!) about our upcoming Thanksgiving meal. Follow the link to a Thanksgiving Meal Calculator.

Linda was kind enough to act as Santa's helper(?) as she passed out Secret Santa gifts!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Well, well. Fall has almost passed so it's time to start making the scale fall as well!

Our Best Loser was Bonnie. (Anyone notice a recent trend here?) She advised us to stay with your healthy diet, drink your water and don't be cheating on that diet either.

The October Best Loser was Bonnie! (17.25 lbs.) Way to go!!! (See what I mean about a trend?) Also, the chapter had a big loss in October as well.

Travel gifts have been given to Judy and Bonnie.

Our Christmas Party will be held on December, 4th. Cindy, Barb and Theresa R. will be the organizational committee.

Let's get things moving in the right direction. We can still beat October's big loss!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Our chapter needs a little push in the right direction.

Perhaps Dawn can show is the way. She was our Best Loser! She said to "just say NO" and to avoid candy.

Coming soon...Dice Contest!

We say a fond farewell to our TOPS Snowbird Lorraine as she heads south for the winter.

It was a very special milestone for one of our KOPS who has been an inspiration to all of us. Cindy celebrated her 10th anniversary! Thanks for all your continued inspiration and enthusiam!!!

5 signs your diet is doomed!
  1. Your plan lacks exercise
  2. You are relying on a little pill to do all the work
  3. You've set the bar too high
  4. You're not keeping a journal
  5. You're eating too many artificially sweetened foods

More Fall Rally Pics

Here's some more Fall Rally pics!
(click the pic to enlarge)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

It was a slightly 'scary' Halloween as the chapter had a small gain.

This week's 'Best Loser' was Bonnie who said that we should eat a healthy diet and it would be unwise to forget about hyradtion.

Congratulations to Dawn who was
September's Best Loser of the Month!

The Train contest was won by the holder of number 39, Amanda!

Of course it was Halloween, so some members dressed up!

Folks got a nice TOPS Halloween box of treats.

Saturday, October 25, Fall Rally 2008

Over 300 People attended this year's Fall Rally in Saratoga Springs

We had the coolest hats, centerpiece and name tags thanks to Gigi

Many were honored, some several times

The New York State Queen

This woman has lost 270 pounds!
Marcia and Mary were honored for their PERFECT record keeping

Joanna's Before and After pants
Nellie is a KOPS

Cindy Celebrates 9 years as a KOPS

KOPS got to pick a pal to help reach their goal

The circle we all made! (click to enlarge)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Chapter had a FANTASTIC loss of 28.75 pounds!

Our Best Loser was Linda L. She said roughage...cough cough...was important and to stay away from sampling the Halloween candy.

We want to wish a hearty 'Welcome Back' to Denise returning to us after 8 years.

We'll see all of you who are going at Fall Rally on Saturday beginning at 10am (doors open at 9). Remember your ant hats!

Just a reminder, Halloween is next week. Remember to bring 25 of a non-food item such as:
Pens, pencils, eraser, etc...
Postage stamp
Blank greeting cards
Small tissue pack
Post-it notes
Etc, etc, etc...Please be creative in finding a non-food substitute

These fine folks have volunteered to bring items for the next Chinese Auction (Nov. 13)
Ann, Carol, Denise and Lorraine

Anna briefly talked to us about her surgery. She had the 'band' procedure.

Joanna Tells us about bread's history and nutritional content

With a little help from returning member Denise

Check out these labels (click the pic to enlarge)

Halloween Reminder

Just a quick reminder to all to bring their Halloween gifts on Thursday, October 30th!

What should you bring? Non-food treats! When we seek rewards or a treat this season, it should be something other than food. This will help us change our behavior and reliance on food as a source of good feelings.

  • Pens, pencils, eraser, etc...
  • Poem
  • Postage stamp
  • Bookmark
  • Blank greeting cards
  • Small tissue pack
  • Post-it notes
  • Etc, etc, etc...Please be creative in finding a non-food substitute

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Our chapter has had better nights but this one wasn't too bad!

New member Theresa showed us the way as our Best Loser. She said to be conscious of what you eat and watch those B,L,T's (Bites, Licks and Tastes)

We had a musical treat as Secretary Linda sang the minutes!

Reminder: Chinese auction is next week!

But the big event of the night was...

KOPS Appreciation Night 2008
This year our Co-Leader Dawn hosted our night to honor our KOPS

Our lovely KOPS
Kim and Nellie and Cindy and Joanna light their candles

Thanks for all your inspiration!