(Updated May 14, 2020, at 11:10 a.m. Central time)  

TOPS President Updates When and How Meetings Will Resume

Dear TOPS Friends,

For the safety and protection of our members, a meeting ban in compliance with national, state and provincial guidelines was put in place on March 16 all across TOPS Nation. TOPS chapter meetings (and weigh-ins), KOPS Society meetings and other TOPS-sanctioned events were included in the ban.

Both US and Canadian governments have issued guidelines regarding when we can start returning to normal. Governors in each state and Premieres of each province will set target dates on how to re-open for various levels. Your Coordinator will inform you of the date government officials in your area will permit chapter meetings and other TOPS events. Even if your state/province/county/municipality has re-opened, the actual building where you meet may not allow public gatherings or may limit the number of people who can meet. Therefore, there is no absolute date when all TOPS chapter meetings and events may resume. 

TOPS Headquarters continues to operate with a reduced staff. As restrictions are gradually lessened, more staff will return to Headquarters. A small essential staff continues to process all renewals, fulfill award and TOPS tools orders received, write and publish the July/August issue of TOPS News and prepare for IRD 2020-21.

As always, your questions and concerns are important to us, and we will continue to provide answers as they become available. Your Coordinator is your best source for area-specific information. All decisions are being made in the best interest of our members and our great organization.

We will continue to update you as events unfold.
Sincerely TOPS,

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