TOPS President: TOPS Members Are Safer at Home Until at Least May 4

After careful consideration—talking with your Board of Directors and Field Staff around TOPS Nation and reviewing government recommendations—for the safety and protection of our members, the meeting ban that began March 16 is extended. All TOPS chapter meetings, (including weigh-ins), KOPS Society meetings, and events of any kind continue to be banned, with a tentative date to resume meeting the week of Monday, May 4, in areas where gatherings are allowed.

We realize that a lot can happen between now and May 4 and will be monitoring the situation closely, which is why the date listed is tentative. Expect any change to this date to be announced toward the end of April. With TOPS Nation spanning the better part of a continent, having a one-size-fits-all solution after this time is unlikely.

TOPS Headquarters is operating with a reduced staff to continue supporting your weight-loss efforts as you remain safer at home. As always, your local Field Staff are available to answer questions and provide basic chapter supplies and are your go-to resource for all things TOPS. In addition, many useful resources are available to all members in the Members Area of, which was recently revamped to provide a more personalized experience and ease of use. We encourage you to take this time to enjoy the many tools designed to keep you inspired and engaged in your weight-loss efforts while at home.

Your questions and concerns are important to us, which is why we have answered many of them on this webpage. We will continue to update you with details and answers as they become available. Keep reading for more about all the TOPS services still available during this time.

We’ll get through this together.

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