December 20, 2019

Best Loser: Carol D
Wise: No snacking
Unwise: Too many carbs

The chapter had a small gain

November Best Loser:

Members shared their thoughts on the week

Holiday Fitness


November 21, 2019

Best Loser: Linda L
Wise: Planning
Unwise: Cakes and cookies

The chapter had another good loss!

Holiday Party!
Weigh-in 5:45-6:15
Meet at restaurant at 6:30

Sarah Demonstrated how to measure and log food using a scale and the app My Fitness Pal

She also shared her Coleslaw recipe

November 14, 2019

Best Loser: Linda L
Wise: Planning ahead
Unwise: Cake

The chapter is headed in the right direction!

Best Loser of October: Carol L

Fall Rally Report
Those who attended had a good time.
The featured speaker was our very own Sarah!

Check out the TOPS website for
articles and tips like:
Don't be afraid of walking down a different street
"Z" is a very energetic word!

Fall Rally 2019

November 7, 2019

Best Loser: Gigi
Wise: Getting rid of Halloween candy
Unwise: Eating candy before Halloween

The chapter had a gain...

Important Announcements:
No weigh-in or meeting November 28th
No weigh-in or meeting December 26th

Controlling your food intake at Thanksgiving
Drink water before your meal
Limit the food on your plate
Have dressing but skip the potatoes (visa versa)
No seconds
Plan to succeed
Don't eat it just because it's there
Leave the table and remove your plate
Increase pre-meal exercise
Leave the pie crust behind
Don't stress, it's just one meal
Savor each bite
Bring a salad appetizer
Put the fork down between bites
Walk after the meal
Wear tight pants
Use a small fork and plate
Portion size control
Don't take leftovers
Think about your progress
Don't eat off other people'e plates
Don't starve yourself
Avoid mindless nibbling
Don't serve family style
Watch out for liquid calories
Talk a lot
If you don't like it, don't eat it
Don't start the meal with bread
Stay away from your weaknesses

October 24, 2019

Best Loser: Carol L.
Wise: Drink your water
Unwise: Overdoing the Halloween candy

No meeting next week because of Halloween

The benefits of adult play

October 17, 2019

Best Loser: Sue
Wise: Being mindful
Unwise: Not drinking water

The chapter had a gain😒

💰Treasurer's Report💰
Our new Treasurers gave their first report
of our finances

Boscovs Fundraiser
We raised over $400 for our SRD fund!
Thanks to all who manned the table at Boscovs

Travel Gift Update
Carol L lost it, Mark got it

Part 2 of why changing eating habits is so hard

This Week's Affirmation

October 10, 2019

Best Loser: Carol L
Wise: Water
Unwise: Eating foolishly

The chapter had a good loss

Best Loser of September: Joyce

Contest Update:
Linda N won all the quarters! $$$

Important Announcement
No weigh-in or meeting on October 31st

Why changing eating habits is so hard?

October 3, 2019

Best Loser: Linda N
Wise: Water
Unwise: Sweets

Holiday Proof Your Diet

September 26, 2019

Best Loser: Linda N
Wise: Drink your water
Unwise: Don't eat out twice in one day

As a chapter, we can do better...

Travel Gift Update:
Pat got to open it!
Carol got the new one

Changing our food with the seasons
Your body wants different foods
at different times of the year

New Affirmation:

September 19, 2019

Best Loser: Mark
Wise: Stick to the plan
Unwise: Too much sodium

The chapter had a loss

Regular exercise is like an affirmation 
Present tense
Make it positive
No negative words
Make sure they elicit uplifting feelings

September 12, 2019

Best Loser: Joyce
Wise: Exercise
Unwise: Strawberry shortcake

Best Loser of the Month for August

Fall Rally:
November 9th
Holiday Inn, Saratoga Springs

Don't make a big deal out of it
Concentrate on long term goals
Associate task with something pleasurable
Break goal into smaller steps
Establish strict timeline
Tips to Avoid Procrastination
Acknowledge tendency to procrastinate
Be accountable
Attach all tasks to specific goals

September 5, 2019

Best Loser: Sandy
Wise: Water, tea, non-carbonated beverage
Unwise: Chips

The chapter did well!

Contest Update:
Some bags now have 5,6 and 7 quarters.
Who will lose but win???

Do you keep putting things off?
Are you tired of avoiding tasks you should be completing?
Do you feel like there is a ton of bricks on your shoulders weighing you down adding to the pressures of life?

August 29, 2019

Best Loser: Carol L
Wise: Drink your water
Unwise: Labor Day snacks

The chapter had a small gain...

Bring six quarters, put them in a plastic baggie.
If you gain, add a quarter.  If you lose, take a quarter out.
First person with an empty bag
wins the contents of ALL the other bags!

Fall brings weight gains
How to feel better after overeating
After 5 minutes
Sip peppermint tea
Cup of coffee
Stay upright don’t sit or lay down
Take gas reducer only if you feel sick
Don’t take a laxative
After 30 minutes
Take a walk
Give yourself a belly rub
After 1-2 Hours
Don’t be too active (inversions, compressing stomach etc...)
Sit on floor and twist at the waist
After 2-3 Hours
Ok to lay down
After 5-6 Hours
Feeling better?  Eat lightly
The next day
Eat a healthy breakfast (no processed foods)
Don’t skip meals

August 22, 2019

Best Loser: Amanda
Wise: Being mindful of desserts
Unwise: Not enough exercise

The Chapter had a loss!

Sue followed up on being mindful
Thinking outside of the box
Maybe making a Vision Board

August 15, 2019

Best Loser: Mark
Wise: Smoothies
Unwise: Too much sugar

The chapter had a loss!

July Best Loser:

Treasurer's Report
Presented by our new Treasurers

Sue's presentation was about Mindfulness
Be present in the moment
Practice when eating

The four mindful points
Mind: am I tasting each bite or am I zoned out
Body: how does my body feel before and after I eat?
Feeling: what do I feel about the food?
Thoughts: What thoughts does this food bring to mind?
Try journaling to answer these questions

Take 3 deep breaths 


August 8, 2019

Best Loser: Linda L
Wise: Planning ahead
Unwise: Chips

Time for the chapter to turn it around

July Best Loser: Joyce

Travel Gift Update:
Joyce got to open it!
Sara got the new one

Discussion of our fundraiser with Boscov's

August 1, 2019

Best Loser: Carol L
Wise: Smart snacking
Unwise: Second helpings

We can do better...

2019-2020 Installation of Officers
Theme: The TOPS Garden

Leader: Sandy

Co-Leader: Amanda

Treasurers: Linda N and Roe

Secretary:  Carol D

Weight Recorders: Linda L and Pat

Our New Officers

July 25, 2019

Best Loser: Sandy
Wise: Making better choices
Unwise: Big portions (even of fruit)

The chapter is succeeding!

Important Date:
August 1st
Officer Installation

Healthy Grilling