November 7, 2019

Best Loser: Gigi
Wise: Getting rid of Halloween candy
Unwise: Eating candy before Halloween

The chapter had a gain...

Important Announcements:
No weigh-in or meeting November 28th
No weigh-in or meeting December 26th

Controlling your food intake at Thanksgiving
Drink water before your meal
Limit the food on your plate
Have dressing but skip the potatoes (visa versa)
No seconds
Plan to succeed
Don't eat it just because it's there
Leave the table and remove your plate
Increase pre-meal exercise
Leave the pie crust behind
Don't stress, it's just one meal
Savor each bite
Bring a salad appetizer
Put the fork down between bites
Walk after the meal
Wear tight pants
Use a small fork and plate
Portion size control
Don't take leftovers
Think about your progress
Don't eat off other people'e plates
Don't starve yourself
Avoid mindless nibbling
Don't serve family style
Watch out for liquid calories
Talk a lot
If you don't like it, don't eat it
Don't start the meal with bread
Stay away from your weaknesses

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