Thursday, June 21, 2012

A correction.  That's all it is.

Best Loser: MICHAEL!!!
Wise: Drink Water
Unwise: Salty Snacks

May Best Loser:

Travel Gift Update:
Linda lost it, Michael got it.

We have a "Resistance to Change"
When there is a change, we either make a decision to change or it is forced upon us.  Ask ourselves...
  • What needs to be changed?
  • Is the "why" important?
  • How do we make the change?
Next week - Keys to Successful Weight Loss!

SRD 2012

Here's the program for this year's SRD.
Due to the new policy that does not allow any photography during the sessions, photo content is very limited.

Here we are at SRD!!!

SRD Stats:
First Chapter to Register: #NY1046 Canton
Chapters Attending: 131
Number of Attendees: 760
KOPS Graduates: 34
Total lbs. Lost By Graduates: 1,665
Number of KOPS Alumni Attending: 163
Number of Chapter Royalty Attending: 20
Total lbs. Lost By New York State...
28,110 lbs.!!!

New York State Royalty:
King Runner Up:
   David H., Endicott: 31.75 lbs.
Queen Runner Up:
   Rose S., Burlington Flatts: 121.5 lbs.
SRD King:
   Donald M., Corinth: 34.75
SRD Queen:
   Courtney H., Rochester: 158.75

2013 SRD:
Honor's Haven Resort
Ellenville, NY
May 31-June 2 (Friday-Sunday)
Registration Deadline: Feb 1, 2013
(This will be an all inclusive event...that means meals included.)
The theme will be:
The Four Seasons!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

A little loss still goes a long way!

Best Loser: MICHAEL!!!
Wise: Portion Control
Unwise: Couch Potato(ing)

No meeting June 7 (SRD optional session)

Travel Gift Update:
Linda lost it but asked for it back again.

Area Captain Contest:
Lucy Corlew's contest that has complex structure that our officers will keep track of.

Baseball Contest:
Starting June 14, Michael will run a baseball based contest.
The chapter will be decided into two teams.
Every week you come in, any 1/4 lb = single up to 1+pounds = home run.
The team with the most runs wins.
The batting order rotates every week.

Fruit and Veggie Contest
$1 gets you in.
Eat a fruit or veggie that starts with (almost) every letter of the alphabet.
Of the members that complete the list, a random winner will be drawn.