Thursday, July 29, 2011

The chapter...not sure...

Best Loser: SHELLEY!!!
Wise: Portion Control
Unwise: Chips

New Members:
Please welcome Carol and Pat

Chinese Auction:
August 11th
Shelley and Anne will provide the prizes

Fall Rally Update:
When: October 15, 2011
Where: Holiday Inn, Saratoga Springs
Theme: Camp Yagottawanna (Read it fast!)

IRD Update:
At this past IRD in Milwaukee, the new...
...Queen lost 228lbs to goal!
...King lost 230lbs to goal!
...a Division Winner from New York lost 161lbs in one year!

How can you add more activity to your day?
Joanna challenged us to do activities at least 3 days this week!


Amanda said...

Activity Log, Sunday,July 31, 2011: Mark and I used our Wii. We "bowled" 30 minutes and then "Just Danced" for 15 more.

Amanda said...

Activity Log, Wednesday, August 3, 2011: Mark and I did 25 minutes of yoga from our DVD Yoga for Every Body