In Memorium

Beatrice "Bonnie" Moses

We are sad to announce the passing of TOPS member Bonnie Moses.  Bonnie was an active member for several years and had served as our Secretary and Treasurer.  Her sense of humor and smile will be missed at our meetings.  Our thoughts and prayers are with her family.

This is a link to the Times Union Obituary from Sunday's paper.


Amanda said...

When I last saw Bonnie, she was so vital! I know she had recently had some health difficulties, but I did not suspect that she would not come through. I am surprised and saddened.

Mark said...

I will very much miss Bonnie's sense of humor.

Cindy said...

I still find it very difficult to say that Bonnie has died.I will miss our pizza Hut which we have been doing for quite a long time.I will also miss hearing her talk about her two cats,Birdie & Murray.She always kept Jo and I updated on them.
May you rest in peace my friend.

Ann said...

I am so very sad that Bonnie has passed. Please know that my symapthy is with each of you at TOPS785.

Her passing really gets my attention about seriously working our prog. i am having trouble, may lose my KOPs status. I am 112 lbs over goal, started pm outof control eating after a 3 week big increase in prednisone which was perscribed for problems following a car accident. Totaled our car, just me innn it. a man never saw me and plowed into the passenger side as he tried to quickly cross from the side street. Meds are decreased now but the pm eating gets out of control. I need to call or email folks in the pm instead of eating. I have tried many things but am worried.
Any advice?

Mark and Amanda, thanks for your kind note at the holidays and to MARcia who keeps me up to date. It hleps me know I belong to something larger than myself.

You are important to me and so is your progress and courage.

we shall al miss Bonnie.

best to each, Ann Chatterton

Ann said...

NO, not 112 pounds but 12, feels like 112!!!!