Thursday, January 6, 2011

Welcome back TOPS Pals!
Happy New Year!

The holidays were not kind to most of us.

Best Loser: LINDA
Wise: Exercise
Unwise: Cheese

Important Message:
As we all know, last year was not a banner year for TOPS 785.  Marcia reminded us about our core mission which is to support one another in our weight loss journey.  As a group, we can sometimes get distracted from that central idea.  While our meetings are social in nature, we must remember that our single purpose is to improve our physical well being.  It is important to remember that this is why we meet every week.  To help make each other healthier.

Pledge to Lose:
We all made a pledge to lose a certain amount.  Let's get there!

Program:What will we do to reach our Pledge to Lose number?
Joanna suggested "cut and burn", cut 100 calories, burn em with a little exercise!

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