Thursday, April 2, 2008

Well, things certainly have a way of evening out. Last week, we had a small gain. This week, an equally small loss.

Amanda was our 'Best Loser' with a 3lb. loss. She wants us to eat our veggies and not be a couch potato.

This week we extend a TOPS welcome back to one of our traveling member, Lorraine!

IMPORTANT: There will not be a weigh-in or meeting next week, April 9th.

Bonnie presented our program this week about lo-cal snacks. She means, snacks under 100 calories.

1/2 english muffin 1 tsp peanut butter
13 almonds
4 Hershey's kisses
Small baked potato with no fat sour cream
Any 100 calorie pack
Hard boiled egg
1 can of lite beer
2 cups air popped popcorn and a little butter
1 cup of blueberries
3 oz frozen yogurt
Any medium sized fruit
Iced latte with soy
Nonfat cappuccino
Black or green iced tea
Iced latte lite

Thanks, Bonnie!

Finally, we honored our TOPS pal Nellie as she officially graduates to KOPS status. She also earned the honor of being our Chapter Queen.



Mark said...

Way to go Nellie!

Marcia said...

Queen Nellie lost 46.50# to goal. [she maintains well below goal] Nellie originally joined tops in 1986. She rejoined in March of 1994. Nellie served as Chapter Treasurer for many years. She's help to build our monies for members advantage such as paid Fall Rally and compensations to NYSRD. Nellie's also done the tough work of lining up buses for ours and other chapters to our out of area SRD's. She's always "here" at chapter when needed in any "weigh" she can assist.

Anonymous said...

Way to go, Nellie! You look gorgeous in your crown.. and you earned it!

Rosemary Schlensker