Thursday, April 23, 2009

Whoops! We had a little slip. That's o.k., we will redeem ourselves this week.

However, Linda L. was our 'Best Loser' this week with a great loss. She counseled us to exercise and keep away from the breads (white=bad, whole grains=good!)

We welcome a new member to TOPS! Traci, who visited us last week, has joined our chapter, so let's give her a BIG TOPS WELCOME!!!

Fall Rally will be held at the Holiday Inn in Saratoga Springs again this year on October 24th. Details to follow in the summer.

Our next Chinese Auction will be held May 14th
Linda L., Cindy, Carol and Lorraine will bring treasures!

Amanda presented a program called Don’t Fall Subject to Recession Pounds - Protect Your Health in These Times of Economic Woe. She told us about an interesting relationship between economic downturns and weight gain. As times get worse, people don't eat as healthy as when times are good. They opt for cheap, fattening foods in place of healthy but relatively expensive items such as fresh fish, fruit, vegetables and whole grains. They may not be able to afford their gym memberships or participate in expensive weight loss programs. In addition, stress affects our hormones in a way that encourages weight gain, and some may fall prey to emotional eating.

Have hope! Try adding these affordable but nutrient-rich foods to your diet: ground beef, beans, milk, nuts, cheese, carrots, potatoes, canned tomatoes, soups, and rice. If you can't afford the gym - try walking or borrowing exercise DVD's from your local library. We already know that TOPS not-for-profit status helps us with our wallets and the support helps us to deal with our stressors in a positive manner!

Here are some additional resouces to help us stay lean during lean times:

Thanks, Amanda, for the informative program.

Thursday April 16, 2009

This week our fine chapter has a good loss. Wilma led the way as our "Best Loser" and she said to practice portion control and to try to avoid loneliness. Like our pledge says, "...even though I overeat in private, my excess poundage is there for all the world to see..."

A guest who is considering joining the chapter joined us. We hope to see Traci back again!

For once, I am speechless...

Ann C. challenged to "Do Something Different" every week for the next few weeks.

  • Why? It produces good feelings.
  • Think outside the box. (How many different uses for dust?)
  • It's a way to help us avaoid making the same mistakes

Thanks for a great motivational program, Ann!

Dotti's Newsletter


If you're interested in the "Dotti's Newsletter" that Marcia sends to us, follow the link below and sign up to receive it!

Thursday, April 2, 2008

Well, things certainly have a way of evening out. Last week, we had a small gain. This week, an equally small loss.

Amanda was our 'Best Loser' with a 3lb. loss. She wants us to eat our veggies and not be a couch potato.

This week we extend a TOPS welcome back to one of our traveling member, Lorraine!

IMPORTANT: There will not be a weigh-in or meeting next week, April 9th.

Bonnie presented our program this week about lo-cal snacks. She means, snacks under 100 calories.

1/2 english muffin 1 tsp peanut butter
13 almonds
4 Hershey's kisses
Small baked potato with no fat sour cream
Any 100 calorie pack
Hard boiled egg
1 can of lite beer
2 cups air popped popcorn and a little butter
1 cup of blueberries
3 oz frozen yogurt
Any medium sized fruit
Iced latte with soy
Nonfat cappuccino
Black or green iced tea
Iced latte lite

Thanks, Bonnie!

Finally, we honored our TOPS pal Nellie as she officially graduates to KOPS status. She also earned the honor of being our Chapter Queen.



Here are some videos for you to peruse...

Debbie Allen serenading the chapter during officer induction...

A TOPS member featured in the media...