Thursday, March 19, 2009

The chapter did a rare thing this week, it TURTLED! No loss or gain as a whole.

Our Best Loser was Barb who said to us that we should journal and avoid those sweets.

March 26 is officer installation. Our new Area Coordinator Debbie Allen will be here to install our officers.

A BIG TOPS welcome back to Wilma!

Remember to set your VCR or DVR for the Today show at 10am Monday March 23. A TOPS member will be a guest in the 10am hour.

A reminder from our treasurer...please pay your dues so we can close the books on 2008.

Bonnie presented us with some Diet Tips

Eat a rainbow of color (produce)
Don't miss regular meals
Sleep less=more snacking -so- sleep more=eating less
Fruit beats fruit juice
More fiber in fruit than juice
Give your stomach time to tell your brain you are full
Eat fresh
Get moving
Trust yourself (moderation)
Whole grains...become a fan
Learn the good fats
Watch out for empty calories
Soda, energy drinks are loaded with sugar


Anonymous said...

"WEIGH" to go Barbara M. Have another good week ...... Marcia

Anonymous said...

I am sorry I had to miss such an exciting meeting. Welcome back, Wilma! Way to go, Barb!
Every one must have gone home inspired by your diet tips, Bonnie. And the chapter turtled! Have fun again this week...I'll be looking for Mark's report each week to keep up with your shenanigans.