There was a pothole on our road to success. Fortunately, it was a small one. Our 'Best Loser' Judy kept us goin' down that road with a solid loss. She reminded us to drink our water and don't ignore our portion sizes.

Our Treasurer Kim askes us to please stop putting Canadian coins in the cups in the weight room. The bank will not take them!

We held our officer elections this week and here are the winners! Thanks to those brave TOPS Pals who will take up the mantle of responsibility.

Leader: Joanna
Co-Leader: Dawn
Treasurer: Nellie
Secretary: Linda

Finally, we sang Happy Birthday to a very special TOPS member who keeps us on the straight and narrow.



Anonymous said...

Yay, Sister Mary...may you have many happy returns!
Yay, Mark and Amanda, for your craetive and consistent attention to our chapter's website. Many thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hi A & M,

U 2 give such great contributions to our chapter.

This week the FUNNY Photo of "Sister Mary" will certainly give EVERYONE a good laugh for the day.

Thanks for Everything,
Hugz from Marcia

Anonymous said...

I wonder what Sister Mary thinks of it?

Anonymous said...

Seeing Marcia's comment reminded me of all the informative articles she emails us each week...thanks a bunch, Marcia!
PS...I do know how to spell"creative!" (see my previous comment) LOL

Anonymous said...

OH, Sister Mary, I do miss your smile!! I love this picture.. and thanks, Mark and Amanda for keeping this website up. I look forward to checking it each and every week.