June 27, 2019

Best Loser: Carol D
Wise: No tv dinners
Unwise: Crackers

Fundraiser for Janet's Granddaughter

Bracelets are $10 each, see Roe or Linda N

We reviewed the roles of the officers as July 11th is election night

June 20, 2019

Best Loser: Sandy
Wise: Don't eat the whole pie at once
Unwise: Unbalanced meals

The chapter had a gain...

Best Loser of May:
Carol D.
The chapter had a loss for the month

Travel Gift Update:
Pat got it!

20 Ways to Overcome a Weight Loss Plateau
Follow the link below

June 13, 2019

Best Loser: Mark
Wise: Smart desserts
Unwise: Late snacking

The chapter is doing a pretty good job!

Important Announcements
Elections will be held on July 11th

13 Excuses That Will Ruin Your Diet
I can eat this because...
I've been so good this week
Just one won't hurt
I'm so tired I can't imagine cooking this evening
There's nothing else to eat and I'm hungry
I'll feel better because...(fill in the bad thing)
I just got good news so let's celebrate
I paid for it, I don't want to waste money
I hate to waste food
Everyone else is eating it...
It's free
I'll start back on my diet tomorrow
I just don't care

June 6, 2019

Best Loser: Linda L
Wise: Planning meals
Unwise: Chips

The chapter lost again!

June Contest
No gain June.  You must weigh in at least twice and have no gains at all

Parking reminder:.
Please park in the lower parking lot unless you have mobility issues.

You Need to Plan Ahead to Lose Weight
It's the most important habit you can develop.  Why?
You can't work and be a chef too so, set aside 30 minutes a week to plan.
If there are changes to your schedule, you have a backup.
It helps you eat the right portions.