January 10, 2019

Best Loser: Linda L
Wise: Planning meals
Unwise: Cookies/sweets

The chapter had a loss
That's a great start to the new year!

Diet motivation tips for success
Here's some great tips from WebMD

Here are some additional tips:
Start journaling
List 10 things you love about you and 10 things you want to change
Start a photo diary of your progress
Remind yourself while you are doing it
Add exercise to your lifestyle
Have fun
Give yourself a pep talk
Surround yourself with success
Pat yourself on the back
Challenge yourself
Get involved
Use your pet as a workout partner

January 3, 2019

Happy New Year!

We start 2019 with a clean slate
Wise: Drinking more water
Unwise: Leftover holiday treats

January is Pledge to Lose month

We shared what we did last year and
what our goals are for this year