September 27, 2018

Best Loser: Linda L.
Wise: Preplanning meals
Unwise: Bread

Sarah shared her journey to KOPS status

TOPS is like family
Needs to go to meetings during the rough weeks
Counts calories
Weighs everything
Uses the "My Fitness Pal" app
Logs and plans
Faces what she eats
Strict about weighing and logging but has no strict rules
Eats a lot of fruits and veggies
Has small daily desserts
Cooks in small batches
Eats 3000 calories a day and works out
Knows she is getting off track if she starts thinking about weight
Focuses on habits
Picked a comfortable goal weight
Husband invited her to work out with him
Keeps a journal
Feels better emotionally when exercising
Likes workout DVD's: "Turbo Fire" and "PIYO"
Focuses on positive rather than negative

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