Thursday, May 24, 2012

Another great loss!

Best Loser: MARK!!!
Wise: Water
Unwise: Fast Food

Letter from Lucy Corlew:
Lucy asked that each chapter share their success stories for her new area newsletter.

Travel Gift Update:
Shelley got to open hers!
Linda got it!

The Train of Change has made it to the end of the line in Celebration, FL!!!
Famous quote by Edmund Burke:

"Those who don't know history,are bound to repeat it."

We must ask ourselves,"why?" What drives you?
   It must be strong enough to keep you going
   You must be doing it for you

Celebration, FL is not just the end but the beginning of the journey.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Nice job everyone!

Best Losers: WILMA and JANET!!!
Wise: Walking and Water
Unwise: Salty Snacks

April Best Loser: MICHAEL!!!

Several minor changes were voted on and accepted by the chapter and will be distributed to members in the near future pending TOPS Inc. approval.

Chinese Auction:
Cindy, Michael and Wilma will bring gifts for the next auction.

Train of Change spends extra week in Cando, ND!
(That's really the Cando, ND Depot!)
What are we stumbling on?

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Still got it goin'!

Best Loser: AMANDA
Wise: Tracking
Unwise: Couch Potato

Train of Change keeps chugging along!
This week:
Cando, ND
Motto: "The only thing bigger than the buffalo is our attitude"

Challenge: Tracking and Activity

Next stop: Celebration, FL

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The "Train of Change" is on the right track!

Best Loser: LINDA!!!
Wise: Water
Unwise: Salty Snacks

Recent KOPS Luncheon:
Joanna recounted her and Cindy's experience at the most recent KOPS Luncheon

  • There are 44 KOPS in our area
  • Cindy was recognized for 13 years as a KOPS
  • Joanna was recognized for being reinstated
  • A dietician was the guest speaker

The Train of Change is in:
Promised Land, AR

A "resident" encouraged us to journal our food intake and reminded us that too much of any good thing is bad for you so be careful about overeating good foods.  She also handed out a journal to everyone.

Here are some additional resources:

This is a link to the TOPS exchange record:

Here's a link to Sparks People:

(Note: If you join, you can arrange the settings to receive little email correspondence.)

Next stop:
Cando, ND