Inspiration Workshop

Area Captain Lucy Corlew hosted a local Inspiration Workshop

“Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” 
― Mark Twain

There is usually something holding us back on our weight loss journey.  So Lucy says to conquer that first.  Swallow that frog!

  • Repeat it until it becomes a habit
  • Get a buddy to make it easier

The seven steps to conquering that obstacle:
  1. Make your goal specific
  2. Write it down
  3. Give yourself a deadline
  4. Make a list of what you need to achieve your goal
  5. Organize that list into a plan
  6. Take action TODAY
  7. Do something every day toward that goal

Top Ten:
We had a great showing in the Top Ten:
These folks were among those who lost the most since last year's workshop...
  • Janet (4th place)
  • Carol (7th place)
  • Amanda (9th place)
  • Judy (10th place)

Best Winter Loser:
Janet was also recognized as our chapter's best loser over the winter

Bad Meeting Skit:
Marcia and Pat performed their rendition of "The Worst TOPS Meeting EVER!"

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