Thursday, March 29, 2012

We are back on track!

Best Loser: GIGI!!!
Wise: Exercise
Unwise: Salty Snacks

Installation of 2012 Officers:
Area Captain Lucy Corlew inducted our new officers!

Each lit a candle from the TOPS Unity Candle

Let's welcome our new officers and thank our previous officers for their work!

(Check out their portraits on the Officers page)

Division Winners:
Carol S. - Division 4, 1st Place
Amanda - Division 3, 1st Place
Mark - Division 1, 1st Place
Pat - Division 4, 2nd Place

International Recognition Days will be held July 5-7 in sunny San Diego!
(more info to come)

Inspiration Workshop

Area Captain Lucy Corlew hosted a local Inspiration Workshop

“Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” 
― Mark Twain

There is usually something holding us back on our weight loss journey.  So Lucy says to conquer that first.  Swallow that frog!

  • Repeat it until it becomes a habit
  • Get a buddy to make it easier

The seven steps to conquering that obstacle:
  1. Make your goal specific
  2. Write it down
  3. Give yourself a deadline
  4. Make a list of what you need to achieve your goal
  5. Organize that list into a plan
  6. Take action TODAY
  7. Do something every day toward that goal

Top Ten:
We had a great showing in the Top Ten:
These folks were among those who lost the most since last year's workshop...
  • Janet (4th place)
  • Carol (7th place)
  • Amanda (9th place)
  • Judy (10th place)

Best Winter Loser:
Janet was also recognized as our chapter's best loser over the winter

Bad Meeting Skit:
Marcia and Pat performed their rendition of "The Worst TOPS Meeting EVER!"

News from Snowbird Ann

Here's a note from one of our snowbirds, Ann!

Good old medifast still working, a few pounds a week. Now 4 pounds from my goal.  Back to med and sm clothes.  Celebrate with me.  Feeling so well!

For my NY TOPS FRIENDS, I'll be back the week go June 20th!  Hope my paperwork got to you Marcia, being here 8 months I have had to transfer my membership here. HOWEVER, NY IS MY HOME IN MY HEART.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Ok.  We were not at our best.Reset and begin again.

Best Loser: GIGI!!!
Wise: Water
Unwise: Salty Snacks

New Member:
Please welcome our newest member, Michael!

Travel Gift Update:
Gigi opened hers and Janet got a new one!

Judy and Janet led us in TOPS Hot Potato

SRD 2012 Information:

Thursday, March 15, 2012

We said we'd do better...

Best Loser: SHELLEY!!!
Wise: Veggies
Unwise: Soda

Best Loser, February:

She also celebrated the loss of her first 10 lbs!
What an inspiring night from our newly elected Leader!

Inspiration Workshop:
Next Saturday (March 24)
Clifton Park Library
Those of you who signed up, you are good to go.  If any others wish to attend, you may purchase tickets at the door.

Change: "If Not Now, When?"
Mark and Shelley presented six steps to making changes to help you on your weight loss journey.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

We WILL do better next week.

Best Loser: JANET!!!
Wise: Sticking to your plan
Unwise: Salty snacks

New Officers!!!
We have elected new officers who begin serving their terms in April!
Leader: Shelley
Co-Leader: Gigi
Secretary: Linda
Treasurer: Janet
Thanks to our past officers who have served us well, those who were re-elected and our new faces who bring new energy to our chapter.

Inspiration Workshop:
March 24 (Saturday) 10am-Noon (registration at 9:30) at the Clifton Park Library
Reminder: Wear Green!

March 1, 2012 Meeting Cancelled

Tonights meeting has been cancelled due to the weather.