Thursday, May 12, 2011

We can do better!

Best Loser: LISA!!! (our newest member)
Wise: Tracking your food
Unwise: Overindulgence

Best Loser March: CAROL!!!
Best Loser April: AMANDA!!!

Important:No weigh-in or meeting June 2nd (SRD)

Chinese Auction:Next Week (May 19)

Contest Update:3 Teams:
Asparagus, Broccoli
and Carrot
Combined weight loss of team wins

Assignment:Journaling: Each member is encouraged to journal their food and bring their record to the meeting.  If you do not produce your journal at the time of weigh-in, be prepared to face a hefty fine of $.25 which goes into the SRD fund.

Program:Joanna presented a program asking us for a fresh start.
Members told the chapter which "bad" item they would remove from their pantries to enable this new beginning.

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